29 Jun Good Things Are Waiting For You On The Other Side Of The Finish Line

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Ok, so the direct mail letters you sent out didn’t get the response you expected, the seminar you held didn’t bring in the number of participants who thought it would, the ad you placed in the local newspaper turned out to be a waste of money, cause no one called to make a purchase. Keep reading.

Marketing is not a quick, easy, one time thing you do to generate new business. Marketing is a process and when done correctly on a consistent basis will produce results, as in you gaining new customers.

Rarely does any of the above examples produce new business with the first attempt. You have got to make a whole lot more attempts before anyone will notice you and think you’re serious about what you are doing.

Don’t give up on marketing your product or service. Hang in there and keep pushing. If you get to the point where you feel you can no longer do your own marketing, than hire someone who will teach you how to do it correctly or do it for you. Remember never, never, ever give up, good things are always waiting for you on the other side of the finish line.

 Contact EastLake Marketing Group. I effectively coach you with marketing your product or service one step at a time. Let’s discuss how I can coach you to success. Contact me today!

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55