29 Jun 6 Marketing Mistakes To Avoid

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1. Not Marketing to a Defined Group.
Find your target audience and gear your marketing plan to that audience. Trying to appeal to everyone typically does not work.

2. Lack of Diversification.
Marketing on television, in print or on the Internet alone will reach only a portion of your potential customers. Plan to market creatively through a cross-section of media so that customers become familiar with your brand and your products at different times and in different places.

3. Not Focusing on Repeat Business.
Repeat business typically makes up 80 percent of customers in most businesses. Too often marketing campaigns are heavily focused on bringing in new customers and not building relationships with current ones.

4. Not Having a Clear Marketing Message.
Marketing messages that are contrived, confusing, too subtle or too long can easily miss the target market entirely. The most ingenious marketing plan is wasted if no one gets it.

5. Forgetting That Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
If you blow your entire marketing budget on a Super Bowl ad, then what can you do next? Marketing means building a reputation over time through ongoing exposure.

6. Making a Change for the Sake of It. Just because you are tired of your marketing plan doesn’t mean it isn’t working. Too many marketers make changes because they think they have too. Often a tried and true formula will keep working.

 EastLake Marketing Group creates marketing solutions online and offline. The end result is reaching your target audience and you gaining more customersContact me today.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55