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Would you call in a foreign entity to take over and control your house? Yesterday, State Reps. John Fritchey and LaShawn Ford, both Chicago Democrats, are calling on the governor, Mayor Daley, and Police Superintendent Jody Weis to call in the National Guard to clean up the city's streets. This may sound like a great idea, but if you look closely at the long term effects, can this solution lead to an even bigger long term dilemma?

Come on people... we don't need and outside force to come in our house and clean it up, let alone, take it over!  We as African Americans can control our own neighborhoods & communities, just like other nationalities controls theirs. If we call these gangbangers Misguided Soldiers, then we must become the Guided Soldiers and get off our ass and take back our communities! It is our responsibility to clean up our own home, not others!

Yes, I do agree that the situation in Chicago's streets (mostly in the impoverished Black Communities) is in a chaotic state. So the politician's resolution is to bring Order out of Chaos. Sounds familiar? It should. This is the motto or shall I say the motive of the powers that be, for a more socially and systematically controlled society.  Their goal is to raise tensions in the country, as well as around the world to bring in Martial law -A POLICED STATE- to eventually make this a totally policed nation under a One World Government, and the best way to do so is to cause CHAOS to bring in Order. That's why this situation is allowed to flourish in Black and other impoverished communities.  If you look at the back of the Dollar Bill and read the phrase "Novus Ordo Seclorum", under the pyramid. This Phrase in Latin means "New World Order -or- Order of The World" - and If I remember correctly, on the World Symbol Freemasonry Flag and other symbols is written  "ORDO AB CHAO"  meaning in Latin..."ORDER OUT OF CHAOS". These phrases and symbols were placed on the Dollar Bill - (look on the back of yours and see for yourself) - and other articles of documentation in 1934 when the Federal Reserve took total control of the United States Monetary System. The government of this country wants people to be frightened, which is why you see criminals let out of prison so quickly and why gang activity is allowed in certain sectors around the country... yes, all politically tied. I personally knew a known gangbanger that was sentenced to prison for murdering a 14 & 15 year old child, only to be let out the following year. However, if you're a hard working law abiding citizen (with no police record) raising your children properly and contributing to your culture and community, you can spend up to 12 years in prison for defending your home which was the case of a Black man who was related to a good friend of mine in Tulsa Oklahoma who shot an intruder of his home after the intruder beat him up and tried to flee when he saw him pull his gun. This is just another way they break up the Black family and destabilizing our community and economic status by using crime against the good thus creating more crime in certain situations. Because of this programmed climate, they want you as a citizen to ask for ORDER OUT OF CHAOS by means of a Policed State to dupe you into your civil liberties being taken away all for control. We must remember that anything that goes on in this country economically, politically and culturally...  the powers that be want it this way. Even Franklin Roosevelt made the statement publicly... "Anytime you see anything happen in politics, you better understand that it was planed that way".

This bringing in the National Guard will be an underlining ego boost to the gangbangers which is a false sense of glory that they are so bad that the city had to bring in the National Guard to control them! So what happens when the National Guard leaves? They will double up on their activities and become even more brazen which will then give the government the excuse to bring in the Military and declare Martial Law across the country!
So before we ask or agree to have a foreign element to come in and take over our streets, we should take over our streets ourselves like we should have done years ago by the men making a concentrated effort by coming out and standing on their porches, door steps, on the corner or where ever they have to make the statement that this behavior will not be tolerated any more! There are many mentoring programs and projects in our neighborhoods to direct the youth to! And moe programs ar sprouting up every year. We must also take a stand and break this stupid NO-SNITCH-POLICY that has behooved our youth and adults alike! If you see a crime by any gangbanger or anyone else for that matter, call the police and identify that person! And if our good Strong Black Soldiers were to mentor one child a piece, besides taking back the streets, I guarantee you the majority of street shootings will come to an end if not all!

Allowing the National Guard to take over Chicago's streets will be the prime example and poster child for this type of response to a situation that plagues African American communities all over the country for national law, and rest assured, this move will be repeated in cities across this nation where it applies and eventually to the entire country as tensions and revolts continue to escalate with the Tea Parties and other groups if we continue to let this government dupe us! So in short, don't be duped by the meticulously devious powers that be. We have better solutions to this problem rather than the proposed solution which will cause unlimited racial profiling and more of our civil liberties taken away! So until we have exhausted all resorts, let this National Guard move be our last resort, not the first! Stayyyyy focused!

And... Be part of the solution, not part of the problem!

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55