27 Apr This is my Public Business Pitch to Street Vendors, Organizations, Ex-Offenders

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InIthebabeandsuckling.com ©2010

  Jahwaters.com ©2010


April 21, 2010



This is my Public Business Pitch to Street Vendors, Organizations, Ex-Offenders and who would Deem this as a Credible and Lucrative Proposal By Ras Robert Service Owner and Operator of InIthebabeandsuckling.com and Jahwaters.com.


It would be an Honor for us to do our part in stimulating the Economy by Having Our Youth Selling Jahwaters for Profit in their streets and Hoods. You have been in many areas driving to and fro and have seen persons selling water in the hot Sun. Well that Kind of Revenue Could be raised in your street and hood with Our Jahwaters Bottled Water.


Are You A Business that Would benefit from Hiring A youth To Sell Jahwaters Bottled Water and Would This not Be an Actual Impact and Great Promotion For Your Business?


Here is A Real Example of Our Own Effort:


We Setup an impromptu Jahwaters Sale in Emporia VA, for Hurricane Katrina And Raised $500 @ 1 dollar per Jahwaters bottle and Got Bank of America to match it for a 1000 dollar donation. The Community Loved it. We released the info of the Drive & Donation in the local newspaper, which pleased The Elders and made The Youths Smile.


We hear all the talk - this is InI Response.


With All Due Raspect,

Ras Robert Service



Bulk Buy now available @ www.inithebabeandsuckling.com E*Store. Yeah, Get Your Hustle on. Access & Pricing Ah Dat InI A deal with. Ancient & Modern, Work & Faith - the only crossroads to Self Preservation


Hip-HopTV24/7.org Incorporated Hey Fans/Family,

We at Hip-HopTV24/7.org Incorporated is gearing up for a 'HUGE FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN' in the month of May to raise funds for our YOUTH TELECAST PROGRAM, which serves the disenfranchised youth in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn community and across the NATION!

This program is design to teach our youth how to... create a healthy alternative to news and media by creating and producing their own half-hour telecast show. The funds provided only covers the months of May & June but not the months of July & August which is pivotal to the process of the program.

Join us in our cause to EDUCATE youth influenced by hip-hop culture with information that is essential to improving their way of life. Let's help our youth meet the challenges of the 21 Century!

Information on how you can GET INVOLVED will be posted tomorrow at 10am.

'A child miseducated is a child lost.' - John F. Kennedy

Hip-HopTV24/7.org Incorporated Hip-HopTV24/7.org Incorporated would like to shout out Jah Waters!!!

Starting May 1, Jah Waters Bottled Water Online & InI http://www.jahwaters.com will Contribute $1 to Hip-HopTV24/7.org from each sale...


Buy Any E-BOOKS (DOWNLOAD) from http://www.inithebabeandsuckling.com/store and InI Will Contribute $2 from every sale to Hip-HopTV24/7.org Double!!

"Spread Love Is The Brooklyn Way!" - B.I.G.

InITheBabeandSuckling.com & Jahwaters.com would like to Humbly Give Thanks to The Sacramento Black Chamber of Commerce for the Opportunity & for Accepting InI as a Member. AH Jahwaters Wi Say!

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55