26 Apr Can You Say Mustard Seed?

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I went with my daughter and her family to church this morning on this lovely Island Paradise and the message from the messenger was so spot on, that I want to share it with you. I hope you don’t mind. I believe that the task of doing business from home is so important, that we, who are engaged in the profession,  must seize every opportunity we get, to gain insight as to how to do it better. Since the time I started Doing Business from Home, I have been blown away by the numbers of people who claim to NOT want to work for the “MAN”, and yet refuse to do the things necessary to work for themselves. These folks I believe are well intentioned, but we all know what the highway to hell is paved with, don’t we? So then, the solutions must lie somewhere else, right? Well, let me lay this out for your consideration. Doing Business from Home, is not unlike anything else that we decide to undertake whether for pleasure or vocation. We go to school or engage in whatever the recommended course of preparation may be.  We apply ourselves and after a due process, we find ourselves fully engaged in that field of endeavor, which I might add, usually revolves around a better paying JOB. Am I right so far? On the other hand, many of us, become disillusioned by the shortcomings of the job and decide  to explore the offerings of owning a business, that we can work from home. Unfortunately, until now, there has been no reliable way for newcomers to know what is good and what is not good, in terms of what to do and who can help. We have all been given by our creator the very same endowments and we must then learn to stand firm on the FAITH, that we can develop our opportunities to their full potential. No one is born a sales genius, guru, or anything else for that matter. We are all born as Baby. No more, no less. What we become depends ultimately, on who we believe we are to be; and, that can change instantly. We must have the faith to believe in ourselves and we must have the courage then to trust our faith and believe it is the right thing to do. We must realize that faith to become successful comes from hearing the message of the successful and when we have faith we will stand fast and listen and learn and not jump haphazardly, from one deal to the next, because our faith has taught us that there is no magic deal or portion that brings instant riches. We must be steadfast and listen to the teachings on how to be successful, from the ones who are there already and this is not necessarily, just the ones who say they are. We strengthen our faith through our own study, due diligence and our willingness to listen to the teachings. We question, and we are cautious, but never consumed by fear. We must always remember, we are mankind and as such, we have dominion over a ALL things, on and of this earth. So, the bottom line is this: If you are not willing to believe you can engage in doing business from home, don’t even start. If you are unwilling to do your due diligence, stay where you are; If you cannot trust your mentor or whoever is helping you, keep your day job. Faith comes by hearing. Faith is demonstrated by work. There is no free ride. Finally, do not quit your job until you have replaced your income and are completely comfortable in doing so.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55