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MARCH 2010 - http://www.cnn.com/2010/LIVING/wayoflife/03/24/black.america.study/...

The median household income for blacks stands at $34,218; for whites, it's $55,530. Less than half of blacks own a home compared to three quarters of white families. Blacks are more than three times as likely to live in poverty.

In addition, black-owned businesses represent a paltry 5 percent of privately owned companies, and the study says more are needed to help spur job growth in minority communities. The Obama administration, the study suggests, has taken measures to improve the gap between whites and blacks, although it says more is needed.

The above passage is taken directly from the article word for word. Can anyone reading this tell me what's wrong with the above passage?

The above passage clearly evidences that white people sincerely believe that they are the standard by which black people should be trying to live up to and be on parity with. FORGET ABOUT IT!

There is only a $21,312 difference between what blacks are making and what white are making.

Consider this:
If someone black that you know went out and found a job only to return bragging that the job pays $21,312 a year you would tell them to keep it to themselves because if truth be told making "$21,312 a year is nothing to be bragging about.

If black people are making a median income $34,218 and they still can't make it they deserve to live in poverty because it is not how much you make it is all in how you spend the money that you do make. There is no mystery or racism involved.

You can be on parity with white people by merely and wisely spending, budgeting and investing the little money that does cross your path and palm of hand.

White America is always going to prepare you to them but rest assured their comparison is not for justice, equality or your betterment. First there was living Black In America, and then there was 42% of black women are single and now it is our vicious cycle of black poverty report.

They compare themselves openly to you to suggest that the black man give it up and that the black woman should willingly and gleefully accept interracial dating.

The Vicious Cycle of Poverty report put out by the White people now have black people believing that with only $34,218 median income you don't stand a chance of ever achieving life, liberty or the pursuit of happiness. FORGET ABOUT IT!

There are many black people that have bought homes, buildings and put their children through college while making only "$21,312 or less while working on jobs like Motorola, keeblers, U.S.Post office, hospitals and for The Board of Education.

The comparison of white people to black people is what keeps black people running like greyhound dogs around a track chasing a mechanical rabbit we will never catch.

Stop trying to keep up with white people. White people are very grandiose people they will give away $21,312 in tips.

Pick up UNDERCOVER SMART and read it because without education even if the good white people traded you their $55,530 and they took your $34,218 they would still surpass and overtake you on the road to financial freedom because it is all in how you educate "you" in spending the little money you do have.

The Chinese, Spanish, Asian, Arab and Indian players are continuing to make their way in the world in-spite of white Americas gloom and doom economic forecast.

African Americans however ignorantly live, breath and balance the prognosis of their lives based upon every word, news report, announcement, figure or percentage point that spews from the mouth of white America.

How will we ever learn do for self when depending on White America's diagnosis and prognosis?

White Americas facts and figures does not accurately reflect what condition your condition is in.

For independent sakes what is our own black analyst predicting for black America?

What does the accounting figures reveal from our own black accountants?

What does the black bank presidents have to say?

Where are the analysis from our black economic and accounting graduates from historically black universities?

What does our local black graduating university sons and daughters have to say as they enter the world of finance, accounting and economics?

African Americans stop tailgating white Americas lifestyle and spending habits. You can't do what they do nor live the lifestyle they live.

Stop feeding your self worth White Americas afterbirth.

Look at what you have working for you not at what you have working against you.

We have a black president when are we going to show some self-respect, dignity, independence and leadership that determines for ourselves what condition our condition is in?

Read UNDERCOVERSMART and how you can access the European players database. It starts on page 79.

Sincerely, Enoch Mubarak
President/CEO Mubarak Inter-prizes
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55