06 Apr WHAT! You Trippin on Time AGAIN?

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In a previous post, I spoke to the issue of time management and because this is such an important subject, I am speaking on it again. Time is everything; to the person who is Doing Business From Home, and especially the novice among this group, even the slightest miscue in time management can be disastrous.

I believe time to be one of the great equalizers in this world. What I mean is, regardless of all the variables that make up who we are; we all have the same amount of time and that is 24 hours per day. The only thing that will change that, is death.

Since the world is full of differences among all of us, there must then have been a drastic difference in time? No, not at all. We all still have the same 24 hours, but various and sundry diversions over years have added, subtracted and corrupted the very essence and quality of time. The development of mankind and cultures bear stark witness to these changes.

I have no intention of providing a history of the evolution of time and it's management . But certainly the subject is worthy of thought and an acknowledgment that we didn't just get in a time crunch by accident, nor is it an instantly occurring phenomenon. Time Management is a learned behavior that is the product of each individual's socialization process, that we have gone through to get where we are right now.

Only the subject is worthy of thought and an acknowledgment that we didn't just get in a time crunch by accident, nor is it an instantly occurring phenomenon. Time Management is a learned behavior that is the product of each individual's socialization process, that we have gone through to get where we are right now.

So what the heck am I saying? Very few people have been socialized to be in the position of doing business from home. A vast majority of us have been encouraged to vocalize some fancy profession we want to enter, from the moment we could form syllables. Our parents stood by and beamed with pride  as we kids articulated, as best we could, that we wanted to be this or that and the more difficult it was for us to say it the brighter that parental beam. But, none of ever said we wanted to be salesmen or saleswomen. We never said we wanted to be a double diamond with Amway or Shaklee. Oh, hell no, I want to be a Pilot or a Teacher, Doctor or Lawyer. Am I right about it? There were exceptions as there are to everything. A few of us were fortunate enough to have parents who were business people and we sometime got a glimpse at what we are trying to do now. Sell something to a market that we are trying to get to know.
I always seem to get carried away so let me tie this up. There are some serious things to consider when doing business from home; among them are;

The above merely scratches the surface of all that needs to be done, however, if you will implement these steps, you will begin to make full sense of all that doing business from home is about.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55