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I am going to dispense with creative formality and get down to it. President Obama in his State of the Union Address announces that he is poised to open up the flood gates of jobs, wealth, opportunity and prosperity using money the federal government seized from their banks and from money the banks are paying in fees to the Government. President Obama also confirms he will enforce his will with veto if necessary.

For the European players and the Spanish players President Obama's declaration and confirmation that he will enforce his will with veto if necessary is the opening bell that determines may the best race, country or nationality win.

It is the European players and the Spanish players job, duty and responsibility to keep African Americans away from those jobs. The European players want to keep the Spanish players away and vise versa. Every race, nationality and group is jacking for position.

President Obama's declaration escalates The Game for World Domination. Whoever controls the jobs, infrastructure, industries and technology of the 21st century wins the game for World Domination.

Black America 2010 we are under attack by white America and the weapon of choice is intelligence. We are under attack in a war of words. White America is attacking African Americans with the strategy we created. The strategy game they are using on us is called "signifying" or throwing Digs.

If you want to find a way to destroy a person, from the inside out then you take it to their heart. Matt. 15:18 says: "But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart, and they defile the man." Words defile the person that speaks the vile, and it also destroys the person that takes what they say to heart. For those of you unfamiliar with the word 'signifying." digs,

Signifying and Digs are ebonic terms used by African Americans to describe sly innuendos that people make towards you or about you when they are attempting to hurt your feelings, undermine your confidence, and shake your faith. Oftentimes after signifying or throwing a dig, a person will attempt to brush off the devastating effects the dig has on your heart by declaring that they mis-spoke, were merely joking or teasing with you.

Your opponent may even attempt to accuse you of being too sensitive, soft skinned or too emotional, but in all actuality their "signifying" and digs are intentional and intended to hurt your feelings, shake your faith and destroy your self-esteem. Do not accept "signifying and digs" as mere jest, because in all actuality whatsoever shall a man confess so does his soul possess, and more often than not, they mean what they said.

The Bible tells us that as a person thinketh in his heart so is he and that is why it is imperative that we constantly wear the breastplate of righteousness. The breastplate of righteousness protects us from the darts of devastating digs because "Whatsoever shall a man confess so does his soul possess because from the heart does man speak."

It is for this reason that you should never face the world without wearing the breastplate of righteousness to protect your heart, because "signifying and digs" will hurt you and maybe even destroy you.

So the next time someone says something to you hurtful and quickly dismisses what they say to you by declaring that it was a joke, take their rescinding dig with a grain of salt because it is clear from Matt 15:18 that it is through the heart that your confidence, faith and belief is undermined.

It is impossible to protect the heart from hurtful darts that people throw without the breastplate of God's righteousness. Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked (Eph. 6:16.)

Signifying and digs is when 1 person or group cracks on the other side in an effort to undermine and destroy the fabric of their confidence, self esteem and any sense of bravado or pride they have or posess in their family, background, heritage, upbringing or history. The other person or group returns the strategic signifying or dig with equal or more effective strategy.

White America is dissing us at will and it is all in the game. Their strategy is to keep African Americans crying and drowning in our emotions until they have a lock on the jobs, wealth, opportunity and prosperity that are up for grabs. The Spanish players are also moving with stealth as they perfect their strategy called: Anchoring.

Anchoring is when the Spanish players have their children on American soil thereby locking their children into the 21st century and all of its resources.

African Americans invented signifying and throwing diggs and now the European players are using it on us and all we can respond with is crying, complaining, moaning and groaning. African Americans cry, complain, moan and become emotional and sensitive because they put the word Negro on the census count or because some white person says, "those folks".

January 26, 2010
Peraica, who is white and represents the western suburbs, was talking about how cutting the county's share of the sales tax could help the unemployed -- mentioning specifically how the African American community has been hit especially hard by joblessness and how "those folks" could benefit from slashing the tax.

"What we need to do is concern ourselves with the taxpayers. We had 70,000 foreclosures in Cook County last year, we have conventions leaving, we have 11.2 unemployment rate in Cook County," he said.

"In the African American community, it's probably 40, 50 percent unemployment, among males in particular. This is not the way to help them. The way to help those folks is to let them keep their money in their pockets."

At that point someone yelled out "Those folks?" Peraica quickly responded: "All folks, all folks -- everybody who makes up Cook County."

But the original two words set off Commissioner Deborah Sims, an African American whose district covers Chicago's South Side and the south suburbs. "I'm offended. 'Those folks?' If that isn't the most racist statement that's ever been made in this board," Sims fired back.

Signifying and dissing on African Americans with diggs and innuedoes is their game and strategy but what makes their game and strategy even more effective and insulting to African Americans is that the European players are beating African Americans at the game we invented. White America signifies and disses on African Americans at will and all we do in response is wear our hearts on our sleeve and cry because White America hurt our feelings by saying this or that about us.

CASE AND POINT - January 2010
If you've ever been to the South Side of Chicago, I mean, it's a disaster. Alright? It's like Haiti. it's like - I've been to Haiti a couple times, and I support some charities there, but Haiti just never gets better no matter how much money you put in there because they don't have a system."
Bill Oreilly

I "forgot Obama was black for an hour."
Chris matthews

"I haven't donated a cent to the Haitian relief effort. And I probably will not. I haven't donated to the Haitian relief effort for the same reason that I don't give money to homeless men on the street. Based on past experiences, I don't think the guy with the sign that reads "Need You're Help" is going to do anything constructive with the dollar I might give him. If I use history as my guide, I don't think the people of Haiti will do much with my money either.
Former NBA player Paul Shirley

"My grandmother was not a highly educated woman, but she told me as a small child to quit feeding stray animals. You know why? Because they breed," Bauer said, according to the Greenville News. "You're facilitating the problem if you give an animal or a person ample food supply. They will reproduce, especially ones that don't think too much further than that. And so what you've got to do is you've got to curtail that type of behavior. They don't know any better."
South Carolina Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer

(the one who disgraced the presidency by yelling, "You lie!" during an address by President Barack Obama),
Joe Wilson

Obama is a candidate who could be successful thanks in part to his "light-skinned" appearance and speaking patterns "with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one."
Majority Leader, Harry Reid.

When Mubarak Inter-prizes look onto the battlefield of African American courage and intelligence we witness defeated minds on the front-line. http://connectingblack.com/ForumDetails.aspx?ForumID=139866

Organizations such as The Black Wall Street Initiative are projecting 3 to 5 years and as many as 10 to 30 year down the road before their agendas are completed or realized.

They use words like symbolic gestures, proposed and spirit. These grass root initiatives such as The Chicago Wall Street initiatives have more questions than answers. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/cbbn/2010/01/29/cbbn-talk-on-cbbn-on-blog-talk-radio--call-in-is-3.

If African Americans want the jobs, wealth, opportunity and prosperity we must move now. African Americans don't have 3 to 5 years or 10 to 30 year down the road. African Americans must fight back against the signifying and throwing of diggs with intelligent strategy or we perish.

African Americans don't have 3 to 5 years and certainly not 30 years because the European players, Spanish players and the African Americans are not the only ones in this game. There are also the Chinese players, Japanese players, Korean players and many other nations and races. UNDERCOVER SMART page: 7 (seven).

China's not waiting to revamp its economy. Germany's not waiting. India's not waiting. These nations aren't standing still. These nations aren't playing for second place. They're putting more emphasis on math and science. They're rebuilding their infrastructure. They are making serious investments in clean energy because they want those jobs.

Well I do not accept second-place for the United States of America. As hard as it may be, as uncomfortable and contentious as the debates may be, it's time to get serious about fixing the problems that are hampering our growth."
President Barack Obama

White America signify on African Americans at will because they disrespect and dismiss African Americans as true contenders and players in the game for World Domination and because without intelligent strategy we can only fight back with hurt feelings, rhetorical indignation and unconditional surrender without resistance.

Black America 2010 we are getting our fannies kicked even before the flood gates of jobs, wealth, opportunity and prosperity opens. If we want the jobs, wealth, opportunity,prosperity, life , liberty and the pursuit of happiness we have to outsmart, out maneuver and out finesse the other players in the game and get those jobs.... and here's how

Go to http://www.undercoversmart.com/ and download a how-to-job, business opportunity or moneymaking secret that you can perfect into qualifying for what will surely be business based wealth. Move quickly to align and position yourself to receive any real or substantial portion of the wealth that is now being disbursed. To get your hands on any of the wealth requires that you have skills, a organization or a business. The wealth is coming in the forms of grants, business loans and tax cuts for businesses.

If you live in the southern portion of the country don't let the slave masters beat you for the wealth intent-ed for you. Unless you go to Undercoversmart.com and download you a how-to-job the masters of the red states will be the only ones in a position to receive any wealth. The red states will hire African Americans for pennies on the dollar and take back twice as much from you in groceries gas, housing. I have not been wrong yet.

The flood gates of jobs, wealth, opportunity and prosperity are already beginning to open http://www.suntimes.com/news/transportation/2016142,CST-NWS-wacker28.article as other major avenues of opportunity and transportation are closing. http://www.suntimes.com/news/metro/2014735,mayor-daley-cta-cuts-012710.article

Go position yourself on the front-line of your blessing! Go there now! Do it now!

1) Read and Implement UNDERCOVER SMART strike while the iron is hot.

2) Go to: http://www.undercoversmart.com/ and download any given job title. Perfect the "How To Job" into a job for you.

As the flood gates of jobs, wealth, opportunity and prosperity opens it is every race, nationality and group for itself and it is God for us all.

http://blackauthors.ning.com/forum/topics/black-america-you-want-it-go If we get locked behind the closing gate of opportunities and fail to compete with other races, nationalities and groups for these incoming jobs African Americans are finished. Game over.

Black America if we want it we have to go get it. http://blackauthors.ning.com/forum/topics/hot-announcement-black

Don't look for nor expect other races, nationalities and groups to look out for us with crumbs, jobs and construction set-asides because when it comes to helping the African Americans the world is hard to the core and bitter to the end.

1/27/2010 3:44 PM CST
dave4118 wrote: instead of some 'back to Africa' fantasy, envisioning what America would look like if African Americans were to emigrate to Africa....imagine what America would look like if all whites emigrated to Europe. I suspect America would look a lot like matteson, Robbins and Gary...and Europe would look like....Winnetka

Sincerely, Enoch Mubarak
President/CEO Mubarak Inter-prizes
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55