29 Jan James Somerset, African slave, possible NFL Players Ancestor?

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James Somerset, African slave who was purchased by Charles Stuart in Virginia in 1749. Stuart was involved in English government service and traveled as part of his duties accompanied by Somerset, who at the time did not have a first name. In 1769, Stuart along with Somersett traveled to England. While in England, Somersett met and became involved with people associated with the anti-slavery movement in England including the well known activist Granville Sharp. During this period, Somersett was christened with the name James in a church ceremony. Somersett was recaptured after escaping, and his trial ultimately spelt the end of slavery in England.

Take a http://www.lookupancestry.org/ to see if there is a relationship to more than one NFL football player who will be playing in the Pro-Bowl this Sunday

Undoubtably there are more relationships between our best football players and some famous persons of old.

I bet you'll have the best superbowl party in town with a list of players and their ancestors. Some of you history students will take to this idea like candy, others will have to just close your eyes and imagine the joy it will bring when you toss in some skeletons from Reverend Small family of pirates.

So go ahead and have the best superbowl party ever, America's past is the best, and worst of human kind. You'll truly be glad you added this touch of class to the theme of all themes party this year.

Some of the information is funny, some will make you cry, some will raise the hair on your neck, but give it a shot, one thing I know you want be board, because America is The Beautiful.
I got the idea when I took a look and found some real Vikings, and possibly a Saint, give it a shot you'll find it easy finding family history at http://www.lookupancestry.org/

I don't think Africans would have ever left Africa, had there not been slavery, no excuse for the crime, however G-d works in ways we don't always understand.

Moses lived in the house of Pharaoh in Africa, Obama's father was never a slave from Africa?

Take a look and maby you see something you already know, and maby something you didn't know about your family tree.




Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55