30 Dec Reparation FreeWay

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A proposal by some in the United States for some type of compensation be provided to the descendants of enslaved people, in consideration of the coerced and uncompensated labor their ancestors performed over several centuries, which has been a powerful and influential factor in the development of this countrys major companies. This compensation has been proposed in a variety of forms, from individual monetary payments to land-based compensation related to independence. The idea remains highly controversial and no broad consensus exists as to how it could be implemented.

Until now!

We do know what the legal arguments have been by some Insurance company's, who somewhat agree payment should be in the form of higher education, housing payments in the form of grants.

They would require a record of who's work exactly are you requesting a redress for?


in anticipation of what documents will answer some of these questions has prepared online genealogy charts. Registration is free. Plenty of reading material is available for your reference.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55