04 Jan Do You See What I See?

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Do You See What I See?

Sigh. It is an unusually cold day here in Eastern North Carolina. Although the sun has attempted to spread warming, golden rays upon the inhabitants of planet earth, its power has been diminished by the gray mood of despair that has blanketed this nation. At least from the perspective of S. Denice Newton. I follow news stories often and a lot. As a teacher, radio host, blogger, writer, and curious citizen, I have to know what’s going on in the world around me. Political stories usually get me fired up, especially when they deal with antics of the extreme right. But today, not even neocon news can stir me. If you haven’t figured out yet, I’m troubled. Really troubled.

I’m troubled because our elected officials are much more concerned about achieving power, maintaining power, deceiving constituents, and destroying the opposition than they are about the real plight of American citizens. I’m troubled because political posturing and idiotic ideology is taking precedence over human suffering and societal ills. I’m troubled because we are forced to take sides in a political war devoid of strategy, yet full of partisan noise designed to manipulate and influence.  It is a war of them versus those. The winner will likely be the side that makes the most noise, regardless of how that noise impacts Americans.

Young people in this country are dying at an alarming rate due to senseless homicides. Just today in my hometown, two teens were shot and killed. Last week three died in a homicide. The week before that two others were shot and killed. Back in November, my heart ached for days after learning of the brutal rape and murder of beautiful 5-year-old Shaniya Davis. I personally know people who have lost homes to foreclosure, lost their jobs, lost health coverage, lost their cars, unable to make ends meet, and are in utter despair. Yet, it is business as usual in Washington, DC and the political world.

If President Obama is doing such a poor job (and I don’t think that he is), then why doesn’t the opposition provide viable solutions? Why don’t they write counter bills and proposals? I am so sick and tired of the name calling, finger-pointing, and blame games. I really want those on the right to unfold their arms, uncross their legs, and quit waiting for the “demise” of Democrats in 2010 and 2012 so that they can regain power. That in and of itself is a risky and stupid move. While waiting with folded arms and crossed legs, the economy could very well stabilize, a health care bill written that is acceptable to most, the Iraq and Afghanistan wars could become “strategized” and ultimately won, immigration issues solved, education put on the right path, climate control handled, and energy issues settled. Then what’s a sitting fool to do?

Look around. Despair, helplessness, hopelessness, and depression is everywhere. Yet, our leaders continue to wear political blinders and fumble  in the dark. I’m troubled by the lack of compassion and concern for the people. Republicans, Conservatives, Democrats,  Liberals, Independents, and the Indifferent, do you see what I see?

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55