29 Dec A God Help Us Moment

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Another “God Help Us” Moment

Another South Carolina politician has proven himself to be a “certified nut.” Forget the philandering Mark Sanford, or the fat, balding racist Rusty DePass. Today’s honor goes to the idiotic Senator from the Palmetto State, Jim DeMint. This guy is playing political games that could very well threaten the safety of many Americans. He is holding up President Obama’s choice for TSA Administrator due to his opposition to TSA workers joining a labor union! Wow. I’m sure passengers on Northwest Airlines flight 253 would be happy to know that although the recent terrorist plot was foiled, the work of the TSA was hampered by a guy who is more concerned about worker unionization than passenger safety. DeMint is being asked to drop his objections immediately so that Counterterrorism expert Erroll Southers can be confirmed. I’m sure that Abdul Farouk Abdulmutallab of Nigeria and others like him love DeMint’s political posturing. After all, it affords them opportunities to strike this unsuspecting country. God help us if the Republican party and state of South Carolina keep producing winners like DeMint.

So Karl Rove has divorced his second wife. Hold on, wait a minute. Don’t Republicans have a monopoly on family values and morality? Aren’t they holier and more sanctimonious than everyone else on the planet? 2 divorces Mr. Rove? God help us if the Republican party is the standard by which we measure character and integrity.

After reading a comment on the Huffington Post, I was led to a website where “White Christians” were condemning Tiger Woods. Warning, some of this stuff is disgusting and sickening!  Below are some comments that I read:

I cannot believe that the focus of the news during Jesus season is not on the Lord but on some half-breed who is capable solely of filling holes. Sorry for the graphic pun, but for goodness’ sakes, look at him. He’s black, so he obviously has an overly active libido and lacks the capacity to restrain his urges. He’s Oriental, so he’s clearly going to lie about his conduct.

BrotherInChrist said:

His name is Tiger, he’s half Thai and half nigger, you have to give his parents credit in choosing his name. In the appendages department, it appears his Thai genes won out. They market condoms in sizes, large, regular, small and Asian.

I think the only bulge in his pants these gold digger women were after was the size of his wallet. I know that a Negro can make an excellent caddy, they’re excellent at mowing lawns, even as waiters in the club house, but I think it best to keep clubs out of their hands and off the links.

prophetessdebbie said

December 2, 2009 at 2:24 pm

I think it is very unfair to mock Coloreds for fornicating. They can’t help it. No more than my darling little dog can help peeing on the bushes.

Tiffany Wellsley said

December 3, 2009 at 11:03 pm


I see the homos are now coming out the woodwork to defend that Thai-gro. Mind your own business, sodomite. No one asked you to come here. You’re obviously not a Christian, so go away. If you don’t want to believe the obvious because of hero worship and your own chocolate craving, that’s fine. But don’t chastise others for putting two and two together. If that depraved, mixed breed mutt wants to keep his disgusting pastime of extra-marital sex out of the public eye, he can refrain from taking on multi-million dollar endorsement deals that put him squarely in the public eye. But if he wants to be a public figure (and thus far, he’s chosen precisely that), he has to accept that the millions of dollars come with public scrutiny.

As for slander, truth is an absolute defense. It appears you homos are ignorant of both Biblical and secular law.


Take your liberal nonsense elsewhere. You’re not even consistent in your views. You attack me for attributing traits to blacks, but you then attribute specific traits to men, suggesting that men generally have trouble resisting sex. In other words, you’re a hypocrite (as atheist perverts usually are). Mind you, I don’t disagree with you. But don’t generalize about men while attacking me for generalizing about coloreds, particularly since I encounter more Negroes in a year than you’ll encounter your whole lifetime. After all, my husband and I are partial to blacks. Granted, you have to watch them like a hawk or they’ll rob you blind. But they’re good, productive workers, unlike the wetbacks who goof off and stand idly by most of the day.

Tea[obscenity removed]4Jesus said

December 6, 2009 at 12:48 am

Typical filthy libral negro. Why are libs so convinced that these darkie creatures belong in civilized society? If you see a picture of his wife she’s certainly “well-endowed by our Creator” if ya know what I mean. Only a someone as dumb as a colored would want to cheat on that. Lock up all the coloreds and leave the attractive white women to us Godly White Republican Men.

Why are all obscenities removed but not the “n” word. Yes that is now considered a swear word. And the Bible doesn’t say you should discriminate and be racist towards people. Tiger Woods is a person, like the rest of us, and yes he was extremely wrong in his actions, but Christian men cheat on their wives too, as do Christian wives. Christ died for all men, including Tiger Woods. Just because we are Christians doesn’t mean we are perfect, we are still subject to sin like the rest of the world. If Tiger was a normal non- celebrity man, would we know about his personal life? We are not better then the world for our Christianity, we are quite simply better off.

Mallory said

December 21, 2009 at 1:35 am

Christians eh???? Racists is what i’d call you! Do u think Jesus calls black people ‘nigs’ or ‘nigroes’?? Jesus himself was a man of colour! He was from Israel, i’m sure if you buy a Bible and actually read it you’d learn that he wasn’t white with pale skin and blue eyes! Shame on you! God loves all people of all different colours and cultures! You people are sick. Do u think you are making God proud by mocking other people! Let God be the judge and you keep your racist opinions to yourselfs!

p.s if your so upset that people are talking bout Tiger Woods and not Jesus then why did u post an ”essay” about it!! Hypercrite!


Posted by tiffanywellsley on December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas, friends! I hope your celebration of the Lord’s birthday was as rewarding and fulfilling as ours. You’ll know mine was special if you see me about when I’m wearing the Tanzanite (AAA) diamond pendant the Lord led dear hubby to buy me (after a few hints from me along the way). With the year almost over, it’s time to reflect on the period’s pitfalls so we can do better in the future. That brings me to the topic of this post.

There is an old English horror movie (could there be any other kind?) called “The Day of the Triffids.” It’s a tale about a bunch of brainless, idle plants that start getting aggressive and learn to move around slowly while lashing out and poisoning people. Those plants represent today’s Negroes to a T, hence 2009 should appropriately be called “The Year of the Coloreds.”

It’s a well-known fact that when animal species are given autonomy and allowed to function without constraint, they lose respect for social norms and authority figures. Just watch “Conquest of the Planet of the Apes.” Also well-established is the Peter Principle – “people” advance or are promoted to their level of incompetence. We saw both principles in full force this year. As soon as it became clear Barrack HUSSEIN Obama might actually be running the country (into the ground), coloreds everywhere started getting uppity. They started acting like the apes did in that movie when Caesar, who spoke English rather than ebonics, escaped and started inciting the primates to action. I can’t tell you how many of the help I’ve had to fire over the last year for defiant conduct. For goodness’ sake, I almost fired LaWanda, the best cleaning gal I’ve ever had (no one can make porcelain shine like LaWanda!).

Negroes are supposed to believe in the Bible. Why don’t they recognize from the curse of Ham that they’re supposed to serve men, not lead them? They’re supposed to clean the White House, not run it. But how can we expect them to know their place and behave, given the despicable role models they had this year? Obama proved his true colors by trying to turn our nation into a Communist state. Tiger Woods, who was supposed to be one of the good ones, wound up dipping his wick in every white woman from Bellaire to Boston.

Chris Brown beat his wife to a pulp. Now, don’t get me wrong. I recognize that a husband has the right to administer corporal punishment to his wife. After all, God commands the church and the husband commands the household. But rarely should the discipline require ER involvement. And Brown’s complaint that stores weren’t stocking his albums afterward constitutes African arrogance gone awry. And then there’s the dead pedophile, whose feelings of guilt led to insomnia. He had the gall to demand that doctors administer surgical anesthetic so he could get a little shut eye (which is tantamount to a woman with monthly water retention ordering lipo).

Let us pray things get back to normal this next decade. Let’s return to the fundamental principle of “separate and unequal.” And when Jesus soon returns, let us run into His open arms, as our bags are watched by the kind of women Tiger has no intention of doing.

Your friend in Christ,

Tiffany Wellsley

Posted in Obama, curse of ham, domestic help, fat negroes | Tagged: abuser, blacks, knowing your place, Negroes, Negroids, pedophile, planet of the apes, separate but equal, sex maniac, uppity

To browse this wonderful site in its entirety visit http://baptistforbrown2008.wordpress.com

I am a registered Democrat and a CHRISTIAN! The kind of Christian that believe in peace, harmony, unity, and brotherhood between all people! I believe that Jesus died for the sins of all men! GOD HELP US IF THESE IMBECILES CONTINUE TO PUSH THIS SMUT IN THE NAME OF CHRISTIANITY. GOD  HELP US ALL!

~S. Denice

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55