21 Dec Twas a Lady Named Sarah

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(To be read in the manner of “Twas the Night Before Christmas”)

Twas a time before voting, when across the nation

Ran John S. McCain, to stop Obama sensation

A veep to select, to be chosen with care

In hopes that America wouldn’t find it a dare

The nation awaited, a running mate for John

Biden for Barack, McCain couldn’t go wrong

To Alaska he flew, to do a “little” vetting

Had to be sure of what he was “getting”

The RNC Convention, a”senior” event

Introduced a maverick, truly “God-sent”

Folksy and charming, Governor Palin a hit

You may have dissed Hillary, but Sarah’s a fit!

Taking shots at Barack, Sarah wowed the crowd

“Community organizer?” They laughed out loud

A GOP darling, Sarah winked and she smiled

“Top that Barack,” and the crowd went wild

The little old Senator, not too sane

On the verge of panic, that John McCain

Silenced the veep, the winking pit-bull

No, not the media! Your brain is not full!

Now maverick, now mayor, now governor and queen

On caribou, on hockey, on Russia, so mean

To the Whitehouse as veep, to real America so small

Now wink away, wink away, wink for us all!

A political climate so heated and hot

Sarah incited the crowds, talking points nonstop

Town hall meetings, angry people the scariest

Don’t vote for Barack, he pals around with terrorists!

And then like magic, the handlers cut her loose

To do some interviews, oh what a cooked goose

As Charlie schooled her, on the doctrine of Bush

Katie destroyed her, questions soft as mush

She was dressed in designers, from head to foot

Those clothes too expensive but on her they put

A rogue little diva, not one to comply

Made McCain an old fool, his “vetting” a lie!

Her glasses so rimless, her smile so merry

Her words so jumbled, her incompetence scary

Her dangerous mouth, opened in lies

Her empty little head, contained air inside

I’m proud of my Sarah, McCain said through clinched teeth

She’s perfectly capable, of being the next veep

We’ll win this election, with our mavericky selves

Conservatives rock! Barack will be shelved

Delusional and sad, a right silly little man

The world watched as he showed his hand

A wink of her eye at the national debate

Killed the momentum and sealed their fate

She rallied the base, a true piece of work

Beyond that group, their image was hurt

Joe the non-plumber became a symbol of class

Bring out the coffins, McCain/Palin is grass!

Conceding the race after being soundly defeated

Sarah to speak?  No, woman be seated!

Proclaiming to all, I’m Sarah and I’m gold

Don’t blame me for the loss, McCain was too old!

~S. Denice Newton

December 2009

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55