07 Jun Out Of The Woodwork Comes The Truth: Racism, Republicans, and Religious Kooks

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Out Of The Woodwork Comes The Truth: Racism, Republicans, and Religious Kooks

I love to write. When I was a little girl, I'd be in my room writing when my sisters and other children in the neighborhood were riding bikes, playing games, skateboarding, or whatever. I realized very young that words had power. Lots of power. For me, reading and writing offered an escape from daily life. Not that my life was so terrible--but it was kinda boring. Through reading I could visit exotic places, dine in palaces, share breathing space with royalty (except Queen Elizabeth, she's too snobby), or witness blossoming romances fully bloom. Through writing I could run the palaces, become royalty, or be the girl that was the object of the "Prince Charming" affection. Oh, the power and potential of words!

Normally when I write blogs, I try to do so in the least offensive way possible. For you see, I understand the power of words whether written or spoken. I frequently write about politics, particularly on the subject of the breakdown and demise of the GOP. Now, I don't write about this topic to offend. I write about this subject because I'm troubled. It's one thing to see elected officials and others in the public eye become targets of hatred from the right. But when it happens to me personally, I'm fighting back using the power of words! Whoever is offended is offended. I have friends and acquaintances who are registered Republicans and it is because of them that I try to voice my opinion as forcefully as I can without "dumping on them." It's becoming increasingly difficult to avoid. Today, the gloves are off!

I really don't know how any mentally-functioning, sane, professional, sincere member of the Republican party can be proud and accepting of the things going on within it. Pushing Limbaugh (that's extremely difficult to do), O'Reilly, Hannity, Gingrich, Cheney, and Steele aside for a moment, I find others who are forcing the party to a state of non-relevance and to the brink of extinction. Now, I fully understand that there is no way to police and muzzle every individual in this country. That would be impossible. But I'll tell you this, whenever I hear about or personally encounter racism, hatred, or divisiveness from the right, I'm calling it out!

Before I get to my personal encounter, let me recap some of the week's event. Dr. George Tiller is assassinated for performing abortions. They wouldn't even respect the man's funeral. Some showed up in protest with signs that read, "God sent the killer." "Abortion is bloody." The man was killed in a church by a "right-thinker." Guess no one told the shooter that the bible says "thou shall not kill." It also states, "vengeance is mine and I will repay," saith the Lord. For those of you on the right that don't know what that means, it is saying that God will rightfully judge and it's not our job to do so! So, Mr. Holy man kills the man that kills babies. And he's going to heaven how? He's not a vigilante, he's a criminal! Yet, some righties consider this man a hero. God help this country if another Republican takes the Oval Office.

Nutcase 2: John Zaubler. Fool calls 911 and reports that he's going to blow up Supreme Court nominee Sotomayor because he don't want his girlfriend to go to federal prison. He also threatens to blow up President Obama. Sounds like a stable, mentally-sound man to me. NOT!!

And then there's Daniel James Murray. Who is he? Please let me tell you. This registered owner of 8 guns, according to a news report, is known for strolling down the street wearing a cape while talking to himself. His own father says he's sick and has been so for about 10 years.

This one goes into a bank, asks if the bank is solvent, and states: "I'm sure if citizens happen to lose their money, they will rise up and we could see killings and deaths." This lunatic then withdraws more than $80,000 but not before stating to the teller that he was on a mission to kill President Obama. The right-wing talking heads in this country should be proud to know that their mission and purpose is being carried out and fulfilled. Literally.

I'm saving my personal encounter for last but before I go there, allow me to "build a case." I'm a Christian who happens to be a Democrat. And for some on the right, that's a definite oxymoron. Democrats can't possibly be Christians because they're "pro-choice." I'm not as pro-choice as I am "pro- God- will- judge." I am the type of Christian that believe in serving God in spirit and in truth as the bible commands. I am a member of a church that I frequent several times a week. I pray. I worship and praise the God of planet earth. I give my service, my tithes, and my faithfulness to the ministry. I love people and am wounded when we "murder" each other whether physically, emotionally, mentally or otherwise. I don't serve God in lip service only or when it furthers my cause or agenda. I am true to my Savior.

Now, my personal encounter. I have a talk radio show entitled, "AfterThoughts With S. Denice Newton." On yesterday, Saturday, June 6, 2009, I had three awesome guests on the show: Vegas Don, a former gang founder and leader turned community activist, Pegine Echevarria, former girl gang member turned motivational speaker, educator, author, and activist, and Investigator T. Griffin, head of the gang task force in Albany, Georgia. We were having a powerful discussion on the effects of gangs on our children and what can be done to stop the building momentum. I had a caller who came on and began to insult us with words like: "I hate all niggers!" "All niggers need to be killed!" Well, initially I was shocked because that had never happened to me before on air. But I remained calmed and hung up. I then stated to my listeners that I would not entertain that nonsense. My guests agreed and we carried on our conversation. My two male guests stated that the jobs they do is to protect people such as the ignorant caller and his family from gang violence.

As the conversation continued, I checked my chat room for comments. Guess what? This individual and others bombarded my chat room with racist comments about black people, President Obama, and other black leaders including police. They stated, "the south will rise again!" "I'm a member of the KKK!" "White Power!" They also began to make sexual, degrading comments about me and referred to me constantly as a black bitch. I didn't get angry. Honestly I didn't. I became saddened. It saddened me that in 2009, the 21st century, the new millennium, we're still dealing with these type of things. The worst part of it all was that these were very young white boys. I know that none of them were over age 21. I could just tell. But the hatred that they spewed was real. It was deep. This simple response threw them off course and took the wind from their sails: "We're not moved by your ignorance. Your day of reckoning is near." They began to ask: "what does that mean?" what the h--l is she talking about? what is reckoning?" From there began a vicious attack and verbal assault on me because they didn't know what the phrase meant. Finally, one of them came up with the answer. I'm sure he googled it. When he told them that it meant that they would be held accountable and judged for their actions one day, they turned their assaults on God, the bible, and Christianity. So very sad.

Anyway, I really hope that those on the right who are still having a hard time accepting Barack Obama as President of this country, would pause and look at the damage that is being caused. This new generation of racists are more dangerous than in the past. They are mentally deranged, drugged out, and full of demonic influence. With all the negativity that fills the airways daily from pundits and commentators, it's no small wonder that these things are happening. George Bush was not, I repeat, was not treated like this!! It is all because of President Barack Obama that these termites are coming out of the woodwork and inflicting fear of multiplication on society.

AfterThoughts Signing Off...

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55