When This Old World Starts Getting Me Down

In 1979 James Taylor recorded "On The Roof." I don't remember the original recording because I was just a kid and that type of music would not have interested me. But today it has significant meaning. The lyrics are like this: "When this old world starts a getting me down and people are just too much for me to face. I'll climb my way up to the roof of the stairs and all my cares just drift right into space. On the roof, it's peaceful as can be and there the world below don't bother me. No. No. I can't climb to the roof of my home because I'd surely slide off and break my neck! (and back, and legs, and arms, and head). But today has been one of those days that a rooftop experience would have been welcome. The news is depressing. Sure, I could say that I'm not going to watch it, but as a writer, radio host, teacher, and speaker, I have to know what's going on in the world around me. It is a mandate that God Himself has placed on my life. I have to stay in the know. So here goes.I read an article about numerous deaths of teens in Chicago this current school year. 31 in all. Most, if not all, were under 19 years of age. Some of them were the result of "being in the wrong place at the wrong time." Others, petty arguments, robberies, and rival gangs. As I scrolled through the photos of those killed, I couldn't help but think about the doctors, lawyers, business owners, CEOs, Congress and Senate members, mothers, fathers, teachers, preachers, and Presidents that lie fatally wounded in the streets--never to fulfill a dream or leave a legacy. My heart ached. My eyes filled with tears. Still think there's no need for gun control America? Get off your selfish high horses and face reality. No one wants to take your personal guns away but legislation needs to be enacted that will keep assault weapons out of the hands of deranged, criminal-minded, societal devils with absolutely no regard for human life.On a lighter note, it's Bristol Palin again. She has suddenly become an advocate for abstinence. Oh wait. Isn't this the same kid that said (just a few months ago) that abstinence is unrealistic? Hmm. Now she says that it is realistic and that her comments were "taken out of context." How do you take, "abstinence is unrealistic" out of context? You don't. She is her mother's daughter. (Does pants on fire mean anything to you?) She's now taking a message to teen America that they should abstain from sexual relations. Okay, that's fine. They should. But my question is this: why can't a normal, everyday, not-in-the-spotlight teen parent do this thing? Why can't the teen mom that has to go to school, work a part-time job, and raise her baby go before the public with that message? Teens would relate to one like that a lot more than they would the privileged Ms. Palin. Bristol is not struggling. She doesn't have to worry about diapers and formula. She doesn't have to worry about health coverage. So is her motive to simply influence others not to take her path? Is it to warn others about the inconveniences and hardships attached to raising a baby? Is it a genuine caring for the physical and emotional well-being of other teens? Nah, I don't think so. I see a much bigger motive peeking from behind the clouds. Surely some cold, hard cash can't hurt. Who would dare believe that Ms. Palin is doing this on a volunteer basis because her heart is so big? Hmm. Let me think. Could another motive be...should I say it?...Yeah, I'm gonna say it...a means of furthering mommy's political agenda? Now that strikes home for me! That whole, "abstinence is unrealistic" comment clashed with mommy's "conservative values." After all, the Gov. preaches abstinence. Or does she? Maybe it only pertains to other Americans and not those in her family. Anyway, do your thing Bristol. Whatever that is.Ms. Prejean is seen topless and in her undies in photos. She may even lose her crown. Oh, say it ain't so! Not the super Christian that shocked America with her bold statement regarding gay marriage. She feels that she's being targeted by those who didn't appreciate her statement. Okay, she could be on to something there. But that's not the problem. The problem is lies Carrie! When you decide to compete for a crown, you're asked about morals and whether you've ever been photographed partially nude or nude. Well, obviously you answered in the negative because you competed. Being opposed to gay marriage and abortion does not a Christian make. Sorry to disappoint you. You have to be a true follower of God, worship Him in spirit and in truth, and walk according to His Will. Pick up a bible. It's all there.More lives lost in Iraq and Afghanistan. More violent crimes in America. More homes lost. More jobs lost. More companies forced out of business. Hopelessness and despair is gaining a stronghold in many lives. That's the news of the day."I'll climb my way up to the top of the stairs and all my cares just drift right into space. On the roof, its peaceful as can be and there the world below don't bother me." I've got to find me a roof...AfterThoughts Signing Off BLOG COMMENTS POWERED BY DISQUS