
26 Dec Can I borrow your pen?

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Have you ever been asked that question? You know what I’m referring to. You’re in the grocery, bank, coffee house, bar, in a restaurant, etc., and someone asks you if you have a pen they can borrow. You reach in your purse or pocket and hand then your pen. In the back of your mind you are thinking will they remember to give it back when they have finished using it.

If you don’t keep your eyes on this person, they more than likely will forget to give your pen back. Another pen lost. Here is a marketing idea I have used for years. Turn the pen borrowing practice into a marketing tool for attracting new customers.

All you have to do is order about 1,000 pens, imprint them with your company name, phone number, and web site, then carry a supply of these pens with you at all times. Now you’re ready for the next time you are asked if you have a pen. Give your imprinted pen and tell the person to keep it for the next time they need a pen.

In that moment you have created a marketing strategy that will gain you new customers, and you did it for less than $50.00 dollars. Every time they use the pen you gave them they will think of you and the nice thing you did for them. They will eventually find there way to your web site and consider doing business with you.

You in turn get the satisfaction of knowing you did a good deed and marketing your product or service as well.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55

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