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When you are chosen you are without option, you must take the ride to progression or disintegration. If Obama wins he wins, if Obama loses he loses and this is the divine order and way of things in heaven and on earth.

God chose Saul and God chose David and it remains to be seen if God chose Obama. You or I may hope, pray and wish but in the end thine will shall be done. God will cast the deciding vote. Is your heart strong enough to accept divine revelation ?

Divine revelation is upon African Americans because either way the wind blows it matters not for the African Americans because African Americans have already reached the point of no return.

Black America is on white America's radar. If Obama wins African American's will need an infrastructure to reinforce his presidency and if he loses African American's will need shelter from White America's backlash.

As you wait for God decision perhaps you should ponder this:
The only difference between Saul and David was that Saul would not seek repentance for disobedience whereas David would but seeking repentance did not save David from his consequence of sin and disobedience. David paid a handsome price for his misdeeds.

God told David for your sins committed unto me there shall be confusion in your house.

God assured David that his first born would die and no amount of prays would save the child. God gave all of David wives to other men and made David watch as the other men made love to his wives. David's son attempted to murder him, David other son raped David's daughter and his own virgin sister.

Yes, God is displease but displeased with whom ? If there is unbelievable confusion in your home then ask God who is he really displeased with ? Ask God how are you really living ?

God placed the curse upon the household of the parent and David's household including his wives and children paid for Davids disobedience and sins against God.

It is thine that shall be careful but then again the bible says be careful for nothing because
when you are chosen by God you are without option, you must take the ride to progression or disintegration.

Enoch Mubarak
President & CEO Mubarak Inter-prizes
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55