15 Oct The Power of Follow Up - FREE Teleseminar

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FREE Teleseminar - October 30th * 12:00-12:45 noon
The Secret to Wealth & Success Is In the Power of Follow Up!

If you had followed up on many of the ideas and tasks that you thought about within the year, but didn't - do you feel you would be in a better position today?

 When I ask this question to most business owners they say a resounding YES, I would definitely be in a better place.   However, when I ask them why they chose not to follow up they really can't answer that question.

 The truth is that the art of follow up really has more to do with your focus skills than anything else.  Oftentimes, I find that most people have great ideas, however they can't stay focused on any one idea long enough to see it through.  They allow the immediate need for income to drive their choices and decisions, instead of making decisions that will drive their income.

 I would like to invite you to a powerful teleseminar entitled, "The Power of Focus".  This seminar will give you a new outlook and attitude on following up with your clients, ideas you might have and provide powerful system that will increase your productivity 3-fold!

Click here to register at no cost

 I look forward to you participating!

Trina Newby

Black Business America

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55