24 Oct African Americans Being Late Can Be A Problem for Obama!

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Could the habit of being late for African Americans in general affect Obama's race for President?

 I have heard this more and more as we move closer to November 4th.  In addition, most  states are reporting record numbers in early voting and people are still having to wait hours to cast their vote.  So, I too believe that it could be possible to impact Obama's chances if we allow habits of being late to interfere.

 Most  states are estimating a 6 hour or more wait in many areas, so there's no time to wait 30 minutes to an hour before the polls close before we vote.  We must all become proactive for the cause!

 Let's us all think of associates, relatives, friends and family who we no are often late for things and encourage them to please be on time for this!

What do you think about this?

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55