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Everything I have ever said, have to say, will say or have written about can be found in one form or another in my non-fiction book " Undercover Smart."

Every thing in every post I have ever written is from my book where no misinterpretation can be made nor laid at my feet by those that would attempt to manipulate, twist or distort my words or intent.

I am no threat to white America. My messages are about evolution not revolution. My messages are about the revolution of evolution.

My messages are about the revolution of evolution of African Americans. My messages are about the inclusion and aggregation of African Americans in the global marketing equation of the 21st century and beyond.

White America have no interest in targeting me because they want African Americans to do for themselves and anybody that comes along that is willing to tell them that message is well within the scope of white Americas acceptability.

There is a little known fact that is written in my book that reveals that as the European players were making their retreat behind their digital infrastructure, technology and firewall Secretary of State, Condelleezza Rice insisted that the retreating European players untie the restraints upon African Americans so that African Americans had the chance and opportunity to do for self.

Why is the above fact important ?

Do you not see the biblical similarities? Do you not make the spiritual connection? Can you not comprehend the spiritual ramifications? Do you not see the bible in real-time? Do you not recognize the hand of God?

Secretary of State Condelleezza Rice went to the President of the United States of America and made the same exact and identical request that Queen Esther from the Holy Bible Book of Esther requested of the King.

Just as Queen Esther from the Holy Bible Book of Esther intervened and appealed to the king on behalf of her people to save them from elimination so did our African American Secretary of State appeal to the President of the United States of America to spare the lives of her people in Africa.

America along with Britain and China are at this moment negotiating ways to help heal our land, forgive our debts and increase international and world trade. The global community now perceives Africa and its' people as a valuable and intricate part of humanity. The world is in a cordial and receptive mood towards Africans.

Secretary of State Condelleezza Rice and Queen Esther from the Holy Bible Book of Esther have something inseparable in that both Queens manifested God's promise given to us in 2 Chronicles 7:14

<i>"If my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." </i><b>2 Chronicles 7:14</b>

As of this writing the Europeans are contently tucked away in cyber space. The Europeans are now being shielded and protected behind their digital infrastructure, technology and firewall.

White America has left us behind and they took with them their domestic infrastructure, medical infrastructure and educational infrastructure. Without anything to build our existence upon the African Americans short of divine intervention are finished.

African Americans are left behind to defend our right to exist and compete for the limited residual resources of land, food, water and housing. We are competing with the domestic Spanish Empire. The Spanish Empire needs and requires the same and exact limited resources of land, food, water and housing to accommodate their own vast and constantly emerging population.

Dwindling natural resources coupled with a domestic and massive influx of foreign and Spanish speaking global inhabitants has made African Americans refugees upon the urban landscape we inhabited long before the <b>revolution of evolution</b>.

We lack the revolution of evolution because the African American man has fallen off and has been defeated for lack of vision, courage, action, invention, consistency of purpose, and mass incarceration.

Since the Million Man March, the African American male has all but disappeared off the American landscape. The Million Man March was "Custer's" last stand for the black man. The American black man has now gone the way of the buffalo. The African American male is no longer a force to be reckoned with.

The African American male has been mass incarcerated and now our African American women and children are exposed and suffering under the wills, dictations and demands from others nations, races and nationalities.

I have come to bring you the divine revelation that our existence as African Americans is at hand. Our survival solely depends on African Americans joining the revolution of evolution.

The revolution of evolution is <b>Undercover Smart</b>. Undercover Smart is divine intervention and the escape route for you and for those that you care about.

I am not anti-government nor militant. My messages to African Americans are pro-active not incendiary. My messages are about evolution not revolution.

My messages are spiritual and redeeming. My message is clear that if we the remaining free African Americans want to live in and beyond the 21st century we must be Undercover Smart.

I am over half a century old and I have long ago passed the point of no return. My life is done meaning that what I haven't done, I won't do and let the record reflect that I have no desire to live my life twice.

I have given over my remaining years, days or minutes to save the 21st century for my grandchildren. What happens to me at this point in my life is whether here nor there because the bible tells me to be careful for nothing.

My mission is not to fear no man that can only kill me one time but fear him that can condemn our souls for all eternity.  If the watchman sees the enemy coming and does not sound the alarm, I will hold the watchman responsible for their deaths Ezekiel 33:6

Enoch Mubarak
President & CEO Mubarak Inter-prizes

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55