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Oprah plays the role of Aunt Jemima really well. I want to be like her. Aunt Jemima is one who is able to publicly appeal to white folk......just watch her show! or listen to mine!  Enoch please add your opinion about the value of an Afro-Centered education impacting the making of a man. Don't focus on the problem, but the solution.
Viveca Tubman Gresham - author (Survival For the 21st Century" THE OLD WAYS"),

Dear sister and author Viveca Tubman Gresham
Actually Aunt Jemima was a racist icon that appeared on the Quaker Oats pancake box. The aunt Jemima icon depicted a smiling female house slave complete with head rag.

Black women were so infuriated and repulsed by the female slave icon representing the product that black women formed a nation wide massive all-out and united boycott against the product that brought great heat to bear upon Quaker Oats .

Quaker Oats gave way to the boycott and replaced the slave icon with the more corporate looking aunt Jemima that appears today. Quaker Oats then hired former channel nine news celebrity Mary Dee to make peace with the black woman and to encourage the black woman to end their boycott of their product.

What good is "being " right , if it only represents the viewpoint from the majority of one?
Author Viveca Tubman Gresham

Dear sister Viveca Tubman Gresham and all others
It is not about being right, it is about being knowledgeable. Young people today have no concept of history beyond slavery and therefore they adopt icons and screen names unbeknown of the history connected to them.

Aunt Jemima is one who is able to publicly appeal to white folk...because it reminds them of a grander time in history and gives them hope that the south will rise again.

Don't focus on the problem, but the solution.
Viveca Tubman Gresham

Dear sister Viveca Tubman Gresham
It is essential to focus on the problem because the solution is only derived by focusing on the problem. The fundamentals of math dictates that in order to solve the equation you must focus on the problem.

The problem as I see it is that Harriet Tubman and Fannie Lou suffered because the black man was a without courage. Harriet told her husband to come join her in freedom but he was a afraid to be free.

What people fail to realize is that these women were on the front-line of freedom and self-sacrifice when it was the black mans responsibility to be on the front-line of freedom and self- sacrifice. The problem is that the black man accepted slavery without resistance and the ones that did resist were betrayed by other black men. The black man betrayed Nat Turner. The black man betrayed Marcus Garvey.

Today the black man is still betraying each other. After Martin Luther King Jr. died his buddy betrayed him by portraying Martin not as a civil rights avenger but he wrote a book calling Martin a whore-monger.

Jesse Jackson and the Rev James Meeks betrayed Roland Burris when he was running for Governor of Illinois. No honor among black-men is the problem and the solution is choosing death before dishonor but that takes courage and commitment.

Harriet and Fannie had the courage and commitment to be free. They had the courage to choose death before dishonor.

Please add your opinion about the value of an Afro-Centered education impacting the making of a man. Don't focus on the problem, but the solution.
Viveca Tubman Gresham

Afro-centered education, what is that ?
It is a educational history of chattel slavery, racism and discrimination. An Afro centered education is all about slavery, persecution, racism, injustice and inhumanity.

Stop wasting time, money, effort and valuable resources honoring slavery by resisting freedom. Stop naming your children after the European players in honor of chattel slavery.

Stop resisting freedom by resisting evolution. Stop perpetrating slavery with African American History month and false tributes and honors. Our slave ancestry deserves no such tribute. We were not captured in battle. We dishonored ourselves by submitting to slavery without resistance.

African Americans were dishonorable discharged from slavery. The European players dishonorably discharged African Americans for cowardice conduct unbecoming any person with dignity or self-respect.

There are no black history honors or reparations due African Americans in lieu of bravery, honor, self-respect and dignity. Defined intelligence suggests that you forget about it .

Nothing a slave accomplished is worthy of praise or honor because it was accomplished under the duress and inhumanity of a slave-masters whip.

A Afro-centered education will tell a black boy to read about Harriet Tubman while over looking the fact that because all of her children was taken or murdered that Harriet was dead inside as a grieving mother long before she was hit in the head with a stick.

A Afro-centered education will tell a black boy to read about slave Fredrick Douglas but omit reading " Gifted Hands ." by black heart surgeon and free man Ben Carson.

An Afro centered education doesn't tell of sister Delores Tucker who challenged the disrespect of women by using her own money to buy a seat on the board of Time-Warner to die fighting against record labels and rappers that degrade black women through their music.

An Afro centered education doesn't tell of Sister Condelleezza Rice that speaks five different languages fluently and is an accomplished pianist. An Afro-centered education is without merit. The solution to a black boys education is to illustrate for the black boy what free black people have accomplished, in real-time.

Bravo! thank -you for your thought provoking commentary!
Viveca Tubman Gresham

Go join my friend, author and your sister Viveca Tubman Gresham at: http://vivsosloa.ning.com/

Tell her Enoch Mubarak sent you

Enoch Mubarak
President & CEO Mubarak Inter-prizes

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55