15 Oct Parents: Help Me Raise My Grandchild

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This is an urgent plea to parents everywhere.  I really need your help in raising my grandson. 

I have been spending the last year of Jarod’s two-year-old life teaching him manners and respect.  He knows to say “Thank you” when you give him something or do something nice for him.  He is learning how to say “Yes ma’am/No sir” as a show of respect for his elders.  He gives generous hugs to family members and his daycare friends and will even try to console you if he senses you are sad.  He can even say “excuse me” if he bumps you accidentally or walks in front of you. 

But the problem is he is being raised in a world where children seem to have NO CONCEPT of what morals, values, respect and manners mean.  What’s even worse is adults seem to be clueless as well.  Case in point:  Yesterday, we went to the Post Office.

Jarod was trying to hold the heavy door open for a lady who was coming out.  Instead of acknowledging his effort, the woman seemed annoyed and forcibly pushed the door open and hurried past us.  I said “thank you” to my grandson because I wanted him to know his efforts were appreciated. 

I have seen children totally out of control and disrespectful in front of their parents and I am always baffled that the child isn’t jacked up and given a beat down.  I’m not talking about teenagers either.  I’m talking about those three-to-eight-year-olds who, obviously, were never taught proper behavior. 

Parents, the world is counting on you to bring up the next generation of responsible and respectable adults.  But how will your children learn how to act and survive if you haven’t given them the tools necessary?  How can they differentiate between good and bad behavior if all they ever see if a loud, foul-mouthed parent who is always right, never listens and dares anyone to chastise their child for wrong behavior? 

Do your part.  Raise your child and make my job a little easier.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55