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  •  During the presidential debate a brief glimpse of the CBC showed them looking as if they were lost in space. They sat huddled together looking for a Sunday sermon but what the found was a subject matter way over their heads.

    It is because we are all on the same team that I am going to bring you up to speed as to what is going on in real-time and where it is that African Americans fit in.

    The fight for civil rights has expired in your lifetime. Intellectual rights have replaced civil rights. Don't spend your time, youth, energy, education, resources and opportunities fighting the ghosts of Mississippi.

    Come with me to the front-line of the African American reality and existence in real-time.

    The name of the game of the 21st century is a nonfiction game called, "World Domination." The game board is planet earth. Everyone "in the game" is called a race player.

    A race player represents his or her specific race. The object of the game is to acquire, retain and control the Earths resources of oil, mineral and land for the benefit of your specific race.

    Espionage, misinformation, propaganda, war and genocide are fair play. The game strategy revolves around: Intelligence, Association and Perception.

    The right of defined intelligence and the power of technology govern the rules of the game. Failure to participate in the game is ruled a default. A default rulings means your race lacks the intelligence to participate. A default ruling eliminates your race from the game with extreme prejudice. Default rulings are irreversible. Your race will cease to exist. GAME OVER.

    Virtually every race is in the game: The British, Koreans, European, Germans, Russians, French, Italians, Australians, Chinese, Japanese, Indians, Pakistanis and Arabs (including Iraqis, Iranians, Saudis, Egyptians, Syrians and Libyans. There are also the Spaniards, including the Latinos, Puerto Ricans, Mexicans and South Americans. Every race is in the game except the black race, including the Cubans, Dominicans, Brazilians and Caribbean's. The most noticeable absence in the game is the African Americans.

    As of September 27, 2008 Mubarak Inter-Prizes provides you our exact coordinates from the African American front-line in real-time and with GPS accuracy.

    The following is true, factual and undisputed:
    In 2004 the European players confirm reports that the Chinese players have moved within absorption distance of their resources. Towards the end of 2004 the European players gather their defined intelligence and make their move motivated by winning and driven by self-preservation the European players announce that by the year 2008 they will build and complete a 100% wireless digital infrastructure and move into cyberspace. They also announce that the analog infrastructure will be disbanded and reallocated for their homeland security.

    In January 2005 the European players put restraints on their global resources, and they severely limited their domestic fiscal generosity. The European players began dismantling their domestic infrastructure. The European players are preparing to move behind their digital technology and firewall.

    The strategic move by the European players to move behind their digital technology and firewall send the African Americans into a spiral descent. Oil, gas and food become precious and costly commodities. Transportation in and out of African American communities is threatened, reconfigured or eliminated. Food delivery trucks, unable to afford higher gas prices, deliver less food and store shelves become emptier day by day.

    The public school infrastructure is being dismantled and will be reconstituted by the year 2010. Approximately 65,000 African American children, under the supervision and jurisdiction of the Department of children and Family Services face permanent displacement as the European players restrict domestic spending.

    Disease, sickness, homelessness, hunger and stress elevate in the African American communities as the medical infrastructure is dismantled. The police department maintains 24-hour camera surveillance over the African Americans throughout African American enclaves. Valuable African American resources such as land and housing are left abandoned, deserted or undefended.

    The Spanish, Arab, Asian and European players converge upon the African Americans and massively absorb their homes, businesses, land and entire neighborhoods. The African Americans retreat to the church, and it seems like God has left the building.

    The African American populace turns to the minister/leaders for leadership and guidance. African American minister/leaders assure African Americans that because the church endured slavery; the church will also withstand the winds of change.

    In frightened desperation African American minister/leaders convene a summit. The summit is televised over the European media station known as C-Span. The African American minister/leaders summit seeks to initiate a non-binding, unenforceable and meaningless contract solidifying the black rank and file. The contract is to be drafted and designed to solely benefit the African Americans.

    The proposed non-binding, unenforceable and meaningless contract solidifying the black rank has come to be known as: The Covenant with Black America compliments of Tavis Smiley and Third World press.

    The black minister/leader summit alerts the world race players that the African Americans are not in the game and lack the intelligence to play the game. The response by the world race players is swift and unforgiving. The Chinese, Arab, Indian, Spanish, Asian and European players accelerate their absorption of the African Americans'residual resources.

    The African American minister/leaders also retreat to the church. They cower and shiver inside the churches with great fear and apprehension as they too seek shelter from the cold winds of change.

    In March 2005 the European players have a sit-down with the political arm of the African Americans called:The Congressional Black Caucus (CBC). The European players and the African Americans meet for the first time in the history of the free world as respected equals. The European players attend the meeting in good faith and the Congressional Black Caucus Ambush the European players with their civil rights agenda.

    The CBC is stunned and mortified when the European players disavow any knowledge of any pending civil rights issues. The most important meeting for the survival of African Americans is over in less than 47 minutes. The meeting was sabotaged by the undefined intelligence of the Congressional Black Caucus.

    The European players chose instead to upgrade their previous agreement with the Canadian and Mexican players in what is now known as:The New North American Pact.

    With nowhere else to turn African American academies under the banner of: The African American Leadership Forum goes before the world and summons the dead.

    Notable's academies from Stanford, Howard and Maryland Universities join the president of the National Council of Negro women as panelist. Each panelist denotes a deceased slave or individual. Each academy is presumed to speak on behalf of one of the following: Fredrick Douglas, Martin Luther King Jr., Mary Bethune and Marcus Garvey.

    The academies speculated about what the deceased would say or do to lead the African Americans. They symposium Séance is aired over the European media station known as C-Span. The symposium Séance is a national embarrassment and well beneath the intellectual expectations of higher learning.

    The Black minister/leaders summit,The CBC ambush and the black Academies Séance evidences to the world race players that the African Americans have reached their intellectual boundaries.

    September 2008, 2:18 P.M Chicago time.
    As of this writing and at this very moment the European players are in a "Custer's" last stand to survive as they attempt to fend off a five pronged assault from the Iraqis, Spanish, Chinese, afghan and North Korean players.

    As I write this, the European players are up against the ropes and may not survive. If they do survive they will not be coming back this way. The European players are at this very moment retreating behind their digital technology and firewall.

    The European players are at this very moment rapidly dismantling the very same and identical domestic infrastructure that African Americans are still trying to build a future and their hopes and dreams upon.

    At this very moment the Spanish have the African Americans engulfed. Without the protection from the European players The Congressional Black Caucus has collapsed into ineffectiveness.

    African American ministers/leaders have deserted the front lines and retreated into the church. In the face of desertion by African American leadership, the Spanish players have launched a massive all out assault against the residual African Americans resources of land, food and water.

    The Spanish players have cut the African Americans off by from all allies, support and supplies. There is no help summoned and there is no help coming. African Americans are currently living off of residual resources and once they are gone, we have no way to replenish them.

    As of this writing African Americans have no infrastructure, technology or industry to shield and protect us from the Spanish players assault. We have been cut out of the 21st century. We are left out in the opening without protection or cover.

    Once the Spanish players have depleted our resources we have no means of replenishing them. We are currently at the mercy of the Spanish players and we are in the exact same condition as our counterparts in Darfur. We are on our own. The 21st century elimination of the African Americans has begun.

    The African American professionals must get in the game and defend our right to exist. The first level in the game is for black professionals only. The black professionals will need heart to drink from the cup of courage and accept the cold winds of change. The black professionals represent the point of the sword as we enter this level in the game. The African American professionals are the front line.

    Black academic professionals are the front line because they are professed to have the academic skills and intelligence required to meet the games initial challenge. The initial challenge for the black professionals is intelligence.

    The objective for the black professionals is to combine their intellect to collectively develop a technology, infrastructure or industry for the survival of the black race. You must be courageous. If we want to live we must make our move now. We will not get a second chance.

    To learn more:return to, http://www.mubarakinter-prizes.com/
    Purchase and read "Undercover Smart"

    Welcome to the frontline of the State of Black America in real-time. WELCOME TO MY BLOCK

    Enoch Mubarak
    President & CEO Mubarak Inter-prizes
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55