27 Sep Let Faith Inspire Your Business

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Hello Izania Family, I realize in yesterday's Blog
I strayed from my usual business finance and online
marketing focus. Why did I write from an inspirational
and spiritual focus instead?

The truth be told I did it for no other reason than
I was moved spiritually to do so. The spirit told
me someone needed to see what I was moved to write.

Since I received a lot of thanks and positive feed back
I will explore faith and business for two more blogs.
This blog will be the 2nd of 3 on business from a
spiritual perspective.

To be in business (especially these days) you have to
have faith because...

- 80% of businesses fall within a few years

- The divorce rate among entrepreneurs is very high

- entrepreneurs experience high stress and health
related challenges

Being in business takes vision, inspiration, and
a lot of preparation. There will be lonely days
and short nights.

If you don't have faith, belief, and a passion
that this is your calling in life you will be
swimming against the tide of success. Take my
advice and arm yourself with help from the
higher power the Holy Spirit.

Share your inspirational stories of Faith and
Business at: The Black Christian Business Blog

Have a Blessed and Prosperous Day,


Bio: Kamau Austin enjoys sharing business
funding tips. For more insights visit...
http://www.RaiseCashFast.com . Austin is
also a well regarded search engine friendly
design expert. You can order his eBook at...
or visit http://www.SearchEnginePlan.com
For Web Design go to...
http://www.eBizbyDesign.com . He is also the
publisher of tech biz site: www.eINfoNews.com
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Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55