03 Sep How to Profile Your Business for Profits Online Part 1

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Let's Delve Deeper into Digital Profiling as a Point of Promotion.  More and more it is becoming important to build your brand online with a pervasive digital profile.

Having a website isn't enough anymore.  You have to be seen on a myriad of marketing channels on the net.

If You want to more than survive but actually thrive online, Search and Social media should certainly be hotspots in your promotional efforts.

Search engines are the starting point for most Internet users looking for information, products, and services online.  The major players in search are of course Google, Bing, and Yahoo!

Google has the largest market share in search (depending on the source you read) at about 49% to 63% of all searches.  Newcomer Bing is giving Yahoo! a run for its money in search.

There are rumors that Microsoft will be purchasing a portion of Yahoo! and getting rid of its search engine in favor of Bing.  Right now Yahoo! search and Bing are vying for the number 2 position.  Social media is another hotspot based on stickiness.

Stickiness is the amount of time a person spends on a site.  In contrast some sites receive lots of visitors but they only spend seconds viewing the site.

Social media sites have the ability to make people spend a lot of time on them in an almost addictive fashion.  So Google is the leader when it comes to site traffic but social media site Facebook is keeping people engaged very long on its site with interactivity.

Billions of people use Google every month while hundreds of millions more and more are spending their time on Facebook .  To get traffic to your website you have to have a presence on high traffic web destinations like Google, Facebook, Bing, Myspace, Youtube and Yahoo!

This essentially is what having a digital profile is all about.  The vortex of your digital profile should be your website.

However you need more than a website to survive and thrive online.  You need a presence on high traffic destinations leading to your site.  This is what a digital profile is all about.

Bio: Kamau Austin helps small business make more money online by designing search engine friendly websites and placing promotion on social media sites.  He also helps businesses to profit with digital profiles.  Check him out at this Search Engine Optimization Site and this SBA Business Loan Source .


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55