26 Aug Michelle Obama Makes More than a Fashion Statement

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First of all, let me say Michelle Obama is one class act!  She gave a very inspirational, emotion-packed speech to the delegates at the Democratic National Convention on Monday night.

Following her speech, however, one of the white male commentators remarked on the dress she was wearing.  Although I don't remember his exact words, he made reference to the fact that the dress she chose had to make an overall statement about her image and who she really is.  Now, if fashion designer Ann Taylor had been making the comments, it might've made more sense.

For the life of me, I don't see what Michelle's clothes have anything to do with anything.  She looked glamorous and that's just the bottom line.  She spoke eloquently and carried the same message of "hope" for America that her husband has been carrying for the past 19 months.

The media continues to grasp at straws to come up with reasons to nit pick on what's WRONG with the Obamas.   

So since I'm a member of this group, I'll just add my own two cents and ask why she's an AKA and not a Delta. 

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55