26 Aug The Democratic National Convention: Referendum on "The Dream" -- Day 2

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Hillary Clinton delivered a sanitized speech of commitment to support Barack Obama this evening.  It was very well done, and even had moments of sincerity. Her message demonstrated that she has a natural quality that bears paying attention to.  She knows how to act in her self-interests.

As a people, we need to learn how to assess our situation and make disciplined decisions about how to act in our self-interests. That means forming alliances with others to achieve outcomes that don't leave us empty handed. Hillary challenged her supporters with a very incisive question, "Did you get into this for me? Or did you get into this for all the reasons that represent our values?"

My observation after her speech tonight is that she could have had the VP position if she wanted it. Her only goal is to be President, and she won't accept anything less.

I cannot imagine that if she had called Barack Obama and said "I want to help you win as your VP," that he would have refused. The safest position for her to assume is to offer her support from arms length. What makes this a good decision in her self-interests is the reality that the Obama election is still a long shot. If he loses, it will be easier for her to launch a second bid from this position than from the VP position. So, it is my opinion that she refused the position -- in her self-interests. And she got just what she wanted. Tonight, she got her star polished by her loyal followers, and secured her position for another bid without losing a step.
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55