21 May Shame on Morehouse College Black Men!

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The cable news networks keep running a story about a White Male Student who graduated top of the 2008 Graduating Class.  If I was a Morehouse Man, I would be ashame and highly disappointed.  How in the hell can an entire class of Black Men, allow the only white Man in the class to out-compete them.  In the news story, some of the Black Students acutally seem to be proud of his accomplishment.  That's what I call a True Mis-Education.   As a Conscious Black Afrikan American Man, I see the world from a Black Point of View.  I think that we must be taught to compete in a capitalistic society.  The president of Morehouse and all of his Deans should be ashame.  We as Black People are in trouble and this kind of foolishness on behalf of our leadership in the Black Colleges is why.  

One Love, One People, One Goal: Black Empowerment  

Charles E. Campbell

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55