21 May Could You Use a Little Publicity?

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Why is it that we don't often see TV advertisements for small businesses and entrepreneurs? My first guess is that they probably don't know that the average TV ad only costs between $60 and $100. Or maybe it's because they don't like the way they look on camera.

It's surprising, but many people aren't comfortable with the way they look or the sound of their own voice - and they're letting it come between them and the success of their business.

In the past month of promoting my Free Media Week Teleseminars , I've asked several people why they haven't promoted using Big Media (TV, Radio, Newspapers, Magazines), and here are some of the responses:

  • "I can't afford it."
  • "I don't know who to call, write, email, etc."
  • "I don't have a radio voice."
  • "I don't want my email address exposed to the public."
  • "My business is only part-time, and I need the customers but I can't do all the work if I get swamped..."
  • "I don't need radio or TV to help me. I can do it myself."

Shocking! To say the least.

If you have a handle on why you SHOULD advertise on TV, Radio, Newspapers and Magazines, and you need help getting booked - sign up for Media Week and meet the people who are going to tell us how to do it at 8pm - 9pm each day...

Tuesday, May 27th Television Segment: “Camera-Ready for TV”
Presenter: Shon Gables, Television Host - Black Enterprise Business Reports (www.tvone.com)

Find out what producers and show hosts really want in a guest, and learn what it takes to be camera-ready. Being on TV may seem out of reach, but with the information we provide you’ll discover how to get on!

Wednesday, May 28th Broadcast Radio Segment: “What’s Right for Radio?
Presenter: Todd Bell, WPGC-AM (www.heaven1580am.com)

Getting on the radio isn’t as hard as you think. Discover ways to approach your local or national radio station with your pitch.

Thursday, May 29th News Segment: “How to Be A Sought-After News-worthy Professional”
Presenter: Annie Jennings - Top Market Publicist (www.anniejenningspr.com)
You have a story to tell and you want to share it with the community or the world. How do you get the attention of media professionals? Our publicity expert, Annie Jennings, will tell you how to work with the media, and how you can work it to your advantage!

Friday, May 30th Internet Radio Segment: “Getting On the Air - Online”
Presenter: Stephan Jacob, Executive Producer - VoiceAmerica (www.voiceamerica.com)

A new twist in the media arena provides opportunities for business growth with a fast-paced web-based alternative. Learn how to tap into internet radio as an information outlet to promote online!



Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55