22 Apr Women on the Move and Making a Difference

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After a successful weekend in Daytona Beach, the Boomer Diva Nation Tour will make it's next stop in Durham, North Carolina.  The date is August 9. 

Actress Bern Nadette Stanis ("Thelma" from Good Times) was our special celebrity baby boomer diva in Daytona Beach and boy, did we have fun!  She is a lovely woman---so down to earth and REAL.  She partied with us at the Over 40 Pa-jamming Party and even did some karaoke. 

Her speech was titled, "No Time to Waste" and she was right on the money when she talked about the issues that we, as middle aged women, hold on to that keep us from moving forward.  If you ever have the opportunity to meet Bern Nadette, please take advantage of it. 

S he will be joining us again in North Carolina.  There won't be a pajama party this time but there will be plenty of fun and networking.

Tickets for the North Carolina event will go on sale shortly.

One more thing....I thank God for connecting the dot.coms in my life. 


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55