22 Apr Don't give up on them!

Written by Published in iZania Community Blog Read 1529 times
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This blog is written in response to a recent coversation I had with a group of  colleagues of mixed gender, age groups, and cultures.  Y'our' children hold a very special place in my heart.  They are a delight and it gives me great fulfillment to work with them.  Each assignment which God gives me provides me with new insight into their development and their needs.   My experiences with y'our' children provide for me reflective processes which helps in researching their needs and investigating new ways to open their minds to learning. 

As I reflect on the last twenty five years of my life as an educator, whether inside or outside of the classroom, it occurs to me that there has not been one that was unteachable.  For some,  traditional methods may not work, but they are all teachable.  African American children, no matter the gender or the age, are beautiful, unique, and intelligent.   

In light of the current developments taking place in the lives of urban youth living in terror of one another, I find myself reflecting on 'the why', 'the what happened', and 'the when it happened'.   Why are our children not only failing but  killing each other?  What happened to make cause African American high school students to maintain the highest drop out rate amongst all other nations of people? Finally, when did we, parents-teachers-school adminstrators-ministers, fail 0ur children. 

I am told that I am disillusioned and that there is nothing to be done.  I am told that there is no hope for our children.  I am told that adults have done all we can for our children.  I am told that parents are not to be held accountable.    I am told that teachers are not accountable.  I am told that administrators have done all they can.  I am told that school systems have done all they can.  I am told that ministers do what they can and the government does what it can.  I am told that this is a new breed, a new generation, that they are different.  I am told that they think differently and there is not much to be done about it.  BULL!!  How dare YOU  treat them like they are hopeless! 

If nobody is to be held accountable,, then my natural spirit to questions lights my brain.  Who then is responsible for y'our' children?  Who then is to be held accountable?  Though this particular blog is finished.  I am not finished with my questioning.  How can YOU say to me, "it is not my problem." ?  How can YOU say to me, "there is nothing to be done."?   How can YOU say to me, "let it go."?  How can YOU sit back and say nothing or do nothing? 

There are educators in every area, every state, every city, every part of this country as well as other,  who feel as though they are alone in this very serious fight to help some child improve the quality of their lives.  I challenge you to identify one and do something today, this week, or this month to assist them in their efforts.  They should not have to stand alone.  These are "our" children! WE ARE responsible for their welfare. 


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55