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Enoch, he is hardly being persecuted.  That was very classless, and not the place for him to make such a statement.
Don Christian - December 7, 2011


That's the point. It was classless for blacks to ridicule Herman Cain by calling him buffoon, fool, ignorant, a black embarrassment, idiot, clown and a no nothing-black man.

Nonetheless the same and exact media willingly, willfully, knowingly and with intent provided black people the faulty ammunition to put it out there.

It was baseless and classless the way the same and exact media portrayed Herman Cain to the public.

I am on team black America and it drags my fanny perpendicular to the pavement that my black people posses the crabs in a barrel mindset that allowed the media to lead us down the path and eliminate us from the game.

Just like clockwork the media put it out there to the envy and delight of the jealous, envious, back-biting, brainwashed black people and with the quickness they were more than willing to carry the planted, contaminated news of self-defeat to the ears, enclaves and conclaves of the black American stronghold.

I am talking about prominent black people with the influence and reach to poison the minds of the average black person with the media virus such as former Sun-times columnist and journalist Monroe Anderson for example.

"Herman Cain is a know nothing black man, I find embarrassing...
Few Chicagoans give a rat's butt about this totally unprepared pretend candidate.
Monroe Anderson - Facebook November 2011

Now that Herman Cain has been defeated and blacks have done the media's bidding black people have withdrawn back into the woodpile of inferiority content knowing that now only whites are U.S. presidential contenders.

White people however are not dogging out their own people and even if they do they are not going to stand by and let black people do it......no self-respecting race of people would.

The same and exact media that provided black people the faulty ammunition to turn on our own now turns on us if we attempt to bad mouth the remaining white candidates."

In conclusion
Black people are quick to complain about slavery but the same and exact strategy of giving the Africans useless guns, faulty ammunition and bogus artifacts to betray one another is the same and exact strategy the media used on us in the year 2011.
Sincerely, Enoch Mubarak
President/CEO Mubarak Inter-prizes

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55