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"Enoch Hows this for intelligence? I hate to bring up old stuff but ummm.......yeah."
Caisha LaTrice


People "hate" what they don't understand therefore I understand why you: "hate" to bring up old stuff but ummm........" let me see if I can help you make peace with your "hate."

Herman Cain is absolutely correct to say: 'I'm Not Supposed To Know Anything About Foreign Policy' because foreign policy is not as revelent as domestic policy. While you and others are looking over and across the waters Herman Cain is looking where he is standing and... so should you.

Herman Cain is smart enough to know that he is a black man and foreign policy is a white American interest.

White America has foreign policy covered and you can bet dollars to donuts that if Herman Cain becomes president that white America will not let Herman Cain miss a thing or skip a beat when it comes to knowing foreign policy .

Now here is where black people like Caisha LaTrice and Monroe Anderson become unwitting pawns in the strategy of white America.

Understand this:

Understand that white America needs you to care more about what's happening with their interest more so than your concerns about what's happening with you.

It is a white American strategy game: It is called: Mind warfare or in layman terms: mind fornicated or if you are politcally correct: mental conditioning.

The majority of black people minds have been game-fully penetrated, infiltrated, implanted and strategically transitioned over to white American interest, issues and concerns.

As a consequence of their mind fornication game anytime any black person such as Herman Cain or Enoch Mubarak comes along and exhibit thoughts, concerns or comments illustrating that they care more about what happening in their neck of the woods than they do white America's interest and concerns black people such as Caisha LaTrice and Monroe Anderson question their intelligence.

Under the spell and influence of white America's strategy game .... it just don't make sense for black people not to know foreign policy.

Herman Cain's mind is strong.

Instead of concerning himself with white America's interest Herman Cain spent his time building up his black business so that black people will know where their next meal is coming from.

Instead of studying and knowing foreign policy Herman Cain spent his time saving Burger king And Wendys so black people would not lose their jobs and get cast into deeper despair, homelessness or become invisible people.

Herman Cain is intelligent enough to advance the front line of black America's existence and smart enough to beat white America at its on game.

Herman Cain is smart enough to know which team he plays for and intelligent enough to know the games that white America plays but....

...oh no, not you.

Get Smart Caisha LaTrice and Monroe Anderson and understand that you are being strategically played to care about what white America cares about and.... so you think that you do.

In all actually though your mind is the game board and judging from your comments, concerns and supicions about Herman Cain white America has made their move in your head but the game is not lost... you are in luck because ... now it is your move.

Make your move, check out your mind and then ask me:

"Enoch, How's this for intelligence?.
Caisha LaTrice

Sincerely Enoch Mubarak
President/CEO Mubarak Inter-prizes

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55