11 Oct Blogging for Publicity

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Blogging and blog comments are great ways to be found by journalists.   Some media folks don't always rely on press releases to find people to interview.  They actually search and read blogs.  They also read blog comments so if you're hoping to maximize your media exposure, start blogging. 

Here are some tips I've shared in the past that I believe bear repeating:  

1)  If you like to write and have something relevant to say, then say it.  Just because you don't get any responses to your post doesn't mean no one is reading them.

2)  Share your blog with others.  Let your friends, family members and email contact list know what you're writing about and where they can find what you've written.  I've discovered that my email friends will pass on my blog link to "their" friends if it's a subject matter they think they'd be interested in.

3)  Maintain a blog on your website.  Make your website a one-stop-shopping kind of site where the readers can see everything you have to offer in a non-cluttered way.

4)  Maintain separate blogs for separate trains of thought (optional).  If you're an author, devote one blog to your work and use other blogs to express different subject matters.  You may want to use one blog to give your reaction to the news of the day and another to share something feelings, etc.

5)  Visit other blogs and comment on them.  Find other blogs that interest you and offer a comment from time to time.  Also, invite the blogger to visit your site sometime.
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55