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African Americans have given up on reading, and African American politicians dare to support a sitting black U.S. president out of fear of being called a ni@#er lover by white politicians.

The New York Times refers to Barack Obama as the last black politician. White journalist asks each other out loud, "What's going with progression, evolution and rehabilitation in the black community"?

The reply is nothing happening in the black community. There is no movement of progression, evolution and rehabilitation in the black community.

Unless a African American is speaking out loud complaining about the first black president then it is like Christmas Eve in the black community whereas....

"all throughout the house, no creatures were stirring, not even a mouse. The black folks cowered on the plantation with despair hoping soon that the white people will be there."

By and by someone told the African Americans that reading books is the way to freedom, prosperity, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness but the African Americans replied from their actions that...

."If waiting for the white people to come is wrong then I don't want to be right because ain't no book gonna save me!"

...And so the white people came

White people came and joined the African Americans in their civil rights struggle. White people did not have to support the African American struggle but they had respect for blacks that had the courage to stand up for the ideals, symbolism and dignity of the Red, Green and Black flag.

White people came go to Africa to help with the black struggle. White people came into the inner city neighborhoods and schools to help teach African American children.

The white people came and built housing to keep African Americans in their communities. The white people came and built banks so that African Americans can save money .......... but the African Americans will have none of it.

Instead of civil rights, schools, Affordable housing, bank loans and libraries African Americans want President Obama to find or create for them a job or opportunity. African Americans want unlimited unemployment extensions and affordable housing only in white areas.

African Americans want banks to make it easy and affordable through no interest charity loans to be able to shop in the white areas and eat in white restaurants.

African Americas protest and keep their children out of African American schools because they want to raise and educate their children alongside white people's children.

It is not enough that the white people came into the African American inner city neighborhoods and areas bringing with them the avenues of opportunity for African Americans to do for self.

Doing for self means supporting their own black businesses and reading how to books.
African Americans treat reading books like weapons of mass destruction and supporting black business is a waste of time because African Americans don't read enough to know the infinite benefits of supporting their own enterprises.

....so the African Americans wait for the white people to come again.

The white people came again but this time they showed up with high powered rifles to shoot and kill any black person trying to escape uptown during the Katrina hurricane.

The white people came on cruise ships to Haiti during the earthquake to swim, have sex, sip wine, eat caviar and drink champagne from their lavish cruise ships as they watched, pointed and rejoiced at the black dead bodies laying crushed, decapitated, mangled and twisted in the streets of Haiti.

The white people came back into the inner city neighborhoods and areas to shut down your schools, cut off your welfare and suspend private funding

The white people came and left taking with them their magnanimous gestures of African American opportunities and on the way out they let the Spanish players in.

... and the Spanish players don't take prisoners.

The Spanish players as of this writing have the African Americans surrounded and engulf as they cut off and deplete the African Americans residual resources of land, food and water.

The African Americans sit idly by on the 21st century plantation watching their own destruction, demise, elimination, defeat and extinction hoping in their hearts that it will only happen to the other African American family and not them.

When African Americans are asked about their condition and as long as African Americans refuse to open up and read a book then......

....It is all Barak Obama's fault.


Reading is your only way to freedom and Undercover Smart is the book YOU MUST read.

Read Undercover Smart and the life you save will be your own.


Sincerely, Enoch Mubarak
President/CEO Mubarak Inter-prizes

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55