06 Aug Attn: All Entrepreneurs On My Friend's List Let's Work Together To Make America Stronger

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I want to make my city of Chicago a model to start up my business The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement and in time expand to every city in America and move aboard to Africa and the Caribbean Islands. The benefits to joining GRCAM is that you will become part of history and If you are a start up business I will share my resources with you remember I am on 300 social networks and I will encourage my cyber friends/ supporters 125,000 to be exact to check out your business. Plus you will have direct access to me if you exchange numbers with me.

Those of you who have Skype you can interact with me on their too just send me friend request along with your name my handle is (manwell4mankind) just because I have no one in Chicago on my board of directors nor a physical build to conduct business don't mean jack that's not going to stop my vision. As a result now I am on the global tip spreading my vision recruiting others 2 join my cause and pushing my book. Thank you Lord 4 rejection.

My Cause - http://www.causes.com/profiles/146468855?m=4835c164

My Webinars - http://www.anymeeting.com/emmanuelbarbee     

My Facebook Page - http://www.facebook.com/emmanuelbarbeeonline         


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55