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Just a few minutes ago The U.S. Senate just passed theDebt Deal. The debt ceiling issue is the hottest topic in the Nation al news scene today, and for obvious reasons, the deadline for the raising of the Debt ceiling is today, August 2nd. If this national debt is not raised, it is said
that the country will go into a further economic crunch causing the fall of stocks, raising of taxes... etc. Not raising the debt is also speculated to affect the bottom lines of millions of business across the country and is noted by economists as economic Armageddon. This is a damn if you do & damn if you don't situation.

There's only one thing about this debt ceiling fallacy. Regardless of what the outcome would have been on the decision, it won't affect our economy in terms of bringing back jobs, stopping the mortgage crisis or keeping the republicans from cutting programs for the poor/impoverished, particularly for African Americans.  

This DEBT crisis media hype is yet another smokescreen to keep us distracted from our national and local crisis issues that is affecting us every day! This is why many democrats like Congressman Jessie Jackson Jr. voted against the current resolution for it does not do anything to solve our current economic crisis. Travis Smiley even commented... "The debt ceiling is contributing to the war on the poor". In addition, the Congressional Black Caucus noted that they went to president Obama about a Job creation Program but there was no response and also commented on the deal as "A Satan Sandwich".

Example; As of yesterday August 1st, millions of Social Security recipients did not receive their checks! And worse, this National News was not focused on & also barely if not at all mentioned in the Media. Is this a move worth taking to the streets or boycotting white America & the Government??? HELLL YEAHHHH!!! But have we as African Americans rallied to do something about it??? HELL NOOOO!!! Medicare may also be cut and millions may not receive their vouchers! And State Link Cards (Food Stamp Programs) is proposed to end in January, 2012.

One of the reasons to raise this debt ceiling is to keep programs like social security and food stamps in place, not to cut them. And the president did state that these programs will be proteced under this new deal, but explain this to the millions that did not receive their checks as of Monday. Will they get a back check now???  If we are to go by what they dictate to us, then we are allowing ourselves to be misguided and puppeteerd right along with all the other house officials. Empathy, Ignorance, Passiveness, and Complacency is our biggest enemy. I don't blame many congressional officials for voting against a deal that does not address or include salvaging the programs that aids our country's poor & impoverished, let alone aiding in reviving our economy. After close examination this debt crisis only allows this country to print more money and extend the debt we owe to other countries which in turn lessens the value of the dollar and weakening our economy.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55