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"Another 19 year old black kid killed today by cops. San Francisco Police Kill Man Who Didn't Pay Bus Fare! 2nd angle!!

Bay Area Police once again shoot first and ask questions later! This is what happens when you are Black and don't pay your Bus fare"
Black Home Schoolers

There were hundreds of black people gathered around shouting instructions to the downed brother, taking pictures with their cell phones from different angles and commenting to each other but none had the courage to pass the policeman guns to surround and protect the brother from any further police action.

After the fact and out from sight black people now flood the internet with their emotional outrage but the time for courage has passed.

As long as black people are scared to put their lives and freedoms in harms way to show their outrage against injustice and police overkill black people shall remain under seige, attack and elimination.

The Spanish players, Europeans, Asians or any other self respecting race of people would have surrounded their comrade blocking the police further access until emergency arrived.

Black people shout from a safe distance, take pictures with their cell phones and complain to anyone that will listen but are extremely to afraid to put their lives on the line to stop the madness.

There can never be victory without sacrifice

"What is your game plan Enoch. What can we do other than buying your book? What should be our next course of action?"
Black Home Schoolers

When you begin with asking ' What can we do other than buying your book." You have just bypassed the main and most effective course of action you can take because there is no where black people can go nor nothing we can ever hope to acheive whereas we can bypass reading in order to get there....

..... and since black people under this type of immediate and direct elimination threat to existence don't have the time to read every book ever written.... then read the one book that will do you the most good in the shortest amount of time.

Undercover Smart is the one book that will put you in the game in solid position.

There are more than enough testimonies right here on the Internet concerning the viability of the book so there is no reason to be reluctant, hesitant or neglectful.

If black people know in their heart, mind, body and soul that they lack the courage to die for what you proclaim to be civic outrage then stop faking, shaking, talking loud, selling wolf tickets and simply read to freedom, justice, parity and equality.

Undercover Smart is the book and the way. Stop grandstanding black America and order your book today.

Can any one reading this tell me what is the shortest distance between two points?

A straight line

Click the link below because Undercover Smart is the shortest distance between where you are and where you need to be if you want to be free.


Sincerely, Enoch Mubarak
President/CEO Mubarak Inter-prizes

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55