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We progressives can either help him win and continue the trench warfare necessary to fight for every inch of progress that has been made over the past 150 years." "While demanding handouts as "targeted programs" we let billions of dollars escape our grasp."
Roger Madison

Your progessive member has so eloquently written out the problems, pointed out the situation, given a prognosis and a diagnosis of the Progressive's failures and ramifications of failing that I am going to conclude from his comments above beginning with, "We progressives" that you recognize and accept it as your failure that:

> You need to know the difference between governing and campaigning.

> You need one million people in the streets demanding social justice.

> You need to show up at the polls and vote in every election.

> You need progressive voices in Congress leading the charge?"

> You only have Bernie Sanders and Dennis Kucinich to turn to?

> You need support for Alan Grayson when he needed the progressive votes to keep him in Congress?

> You need to know what went wrong that allowed Republican governors to defeat the Democratic governors who were at least sympathetic to progressive causes get run out of office?

I hope and pray that by "having followed the series "What Will It Take to Bring Obama Home?" and not seeing any new overwhelming mandate that as "progressive's" you now you know that:

"Progressives need to take to the streets again-registering new voters, encouraging 2008 voters to support Obama in 2012, and reminding Obama and all politicians who seek our votes that we won't go away and settle for half-hearted measures.

Progressives would be better served to spend all of your efforts trying to defeat the opposition, get as many progressive candidates elected at the local and congressional level, and provide all the support we can muster to get Obama re-elected"
Roger Madison

Black America also hears your declaration and proclamation that:

"Obama is not our enemy."
Roger Madison

With that being the case and I for one in total agreement then the "we let billions of dollars escape our grasp" question of the 21st century becomes:

What's the plan? What's your strategy beyond rhetoric?

As "progressive's" black America concludes that you arbor "progressive" thoughts, fresh ideas and forward intellect?

" Progressives" are thought and considered to be smarter than your average political bear therefore Black America awaits with baited breath to read your plan so that "we" the commoners, soldiers and grass root activist can spring into action and win the election for our hero.

Black America's is counting on you. Bring black America the plan.

In any situation someone must be accept the credit and someone must be given the blame either way the ball is in the court of the "Progressive's.

If Obama wins, winner takes all. If Obama loses, it is your entire fault, so you "progressive's better get cracking on the plan and strategy for the Obama victory.

Sincerely, Enoch Mubarak
President/CEO Mubarak Inter-prizes

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55