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In the early part of 2011 Diane Urban introduced and inducted me into IYPAD. IYPAD stands for - INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF PEOPLE OF AFRICAN DESCENT.

It also turned out that at the time her running buddy was none other than Mwalimu W. Kabaila, President/Founder of National African American Congress/Congress of African People.

Mwalimu W. Kabaila and I have history stemming from him banishing me from the National African American Congress/Congress of African People because he found my writing to be depressing,negative and hostile and vowed not to read it anymore.

However after after reading my book "Undercover Smart" Diane Urban had taken an interest in me and so she took me under her wings as a proverbial syndicate Godmother.

In true syndicate fashion after learning that I was being sponsored by Diane Urban, Mwalimu W. Kabaila forgave my writing transgressions and lifted the ban on me.

After over a year of being banned from the National African American Congress/Congress of African People I was once again free to roam the forum with unlimited access and all rights restored.

Diane Urban then introduces me to Roosevelt King. I was informed that Roosevelt King was a peace loving man that found my persona and approach to be to aggressive and confrontational so once again in true syndicate fashion Diane Urban was called upon to answer for me since she was the person that brought me in.

Soon after it was brought to her attention, Diane Urban came for me.

I was chastised and raked over the coals by Diane Urban for being a unpolished Internet bully but like a true Godmother Diane Urban refuses to give up on me so she introduces me to Mr. Big... The big man himself... She introduces me to Shaka Barak.

Shaka Barak is the leader of IYPAD and founder of IYPAD on facebook. At the time of our introduction everyone in IYPAD took their lead and orders from Shaka Barak. Shaka Barak wrote out and laid down the law to Diane Urban, Mwalimu W. Kabaila and all members of IYPAD.

Before putting me in touch with him Diane say's to me, "Enoch shut up and let me do the talking" I agreed to no avail. My impression of Shaka Barak is that he strikes me as a African warlord poising behind diplomacy and protocol.

Shaka Barak method of control, law and order is to have everyone answer to a league of elders for all transgressions, settling of disputes, wisdom and guidance.

His strategy was to flood and bombard the Internet with resolutions and amendments one after the other. Each resolution and amendment is written, posted and presented with formality and written in legalese.

As for me it did not take long for my personality and marketing strategies to rub Shaka Barak the wrong way but fortunately for me before he could ban me I got word that there had been a coup in IYPAD.

Diane Urban and Mwalimu W. Kabaila had grown tired of Shaka Barak one man show and broke off to form a splinter group they named IYAD Central.

Diane Urban's move would eventually outmaneuver Shaka Barak, strip him of his power, influence and control.

Diane Urban's moves, strategy, decisions, contribution and ideas that followed give rise and life to the IYPAD as we know it today while immortalizing her in real time with THE BALLAD OF A SOLDIER.

........To be continued on this very same blog post

Sincerely, Enoch Mubarak
President/CEO Mubarak Inter-prizes

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55