23 Apr Summer Flip Flops for Everyone

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Footwear is a sensitive issue with most feet and today nothing compares to personal comfort earned with happy feet. And, when the topic changes to footwear it is but natural that the synonym used is a good pair of flip-flops or sandals. Irrespective of the weather or the activity, these sandals are the most versatile and comfortable.

Mephisto Babata (Women's) - Red Ceylan

Mephisto Babata Women flip flop

They are most popular with both, children and adults alike. Especially in the sultry summer months, it is easy to find people flaunting the flip flop look.

Today shopping for these is easy with the availability also being addressed by online resources. Sporting this famous footwear you can come across many celebs and hot models too. They do extremely well for foot comfort in the hot weather. However, with the myriad of types now available in the international online and offline markets, it becomes an overwhelming task to look for a pair for your need if you don’t know what matches up to your style.

For this it is imperative to explore the different types online first and indulge in some real value comparative shopping to strike a good deal. The flip-flop is not new; it has been around for a whale now and given birth to a number of variants over the years.

Identifying types for your personality and style

You could go in for the thong fit in these special shoes customizable to fit the needs of the wearer. They comprise strips of material holding the first and second loops for the toes. In fact it is this feature that holds the shoe in place. You should shop for a good stitch in the material that covers the top of the foot and connects the sole. Go in for the seamless look.

Your options in material include synthetic, plastic and completely organic, and leather sandals. You could check out the clothing stores and those resources dedicated to accessories and footwear. Thong fits come in many colors and embellishments.

In the case of the Zori Japanese style, the organic elements include the use of straw, plant materials, bamboo fiber etc. This type of footwear varies in style, with the bottom wider and handmade, adding to the footwear a unique appeal and personality.

Mephisto Babata (Women's) - Black Ceylan

Mephisto Babata Women

Flip flops can also be bought for individuality in the slipper style. These indoor types provide a great deal of comfort to the wearer, fitted with soft material. They are ideal to prevent feet from touching hardwood floors. In the sandal variations, the flip flops stick to the basic form, but also flaunt high heeled designs for women.

Today, this particular type is also being worn for formal occasions and with evening wear. You can wear them to any setting, whether you are gardening or making a boardroom presentation. Today, the flip flop is completely redefined in the materials used and the variations in each type available. Many enthusiasts also pre-fit them and customize the footwear with embellishments and accessories ranging from beads and shells to lace and appliqués. The footwear is now also available in metallic material and bejeweled with straps.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55