23 Apr Should your wife’s affair affect the relationship?

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Knowing that your wife’s been having an online affair is going to be a shock that will take sometime getting over. It will be difficult to understand what has made her talk to a man the way she has. Nevertheless, your marriage has to be saved and you have to work hard at it.

No one’s going to suggest it is going to be easy. In fact, you may wonder, where to start. In the days when the codes about love and marriage were framed, would anyone have thought that one could have an affair over a machine?marriage problem solving

All that you may want at this moment is save your marriage without having a clue how to go about it. Take your wife away to a real special place for the weekend. She may have good arguments against it but you’ll have to do it. Both of you need a change of scene.

Merely a change of scene is not going to be all because she can get in touch with this man from anywhere. That’s what technology does. First it gives an opportunity for two people to fall in love with each other over the wires and then gives them the means to carry on no matter where on earth they are.

So you need to do something that makes her take interest in you once again. Be as charming as you were when she fell in love with you. She may be reminded of your early days and fall in love all over again. The thing is the decision to stop her affair has to come from seemingly naturally, though that’s what you want to happen.

Refuge is but intent away

It should appear as though she is the one who wants to save this marriage. Get hold of some books on making a marriage work and make sure she notices you reading them. She is going to be curious but may not ask anything yet. Show your appreciation for all that she has been doing for you.

If you haven’t done that for a while, now is the time to start. Make her feel cherished and special. Do things around the house that she has been wanting. It could be new kitchen cabinets, or the leaking tap in the bathroom. Make a list of things that she has wanted done around the house and lose no time in doing them. When you feel all this has had some effect on her, talk about your future.

Make plans that include her too. Listen to what she has to say and make it obvious that her opinions are important. This will occupy her and turn her away from the wonderful-man-online and in time she’ll be talking about giving her a second chance.

At no time do you have to mention the other man. No accusations, no losing face. At the same time you have saved your marriage. It’s a win-win situation for both of you because you both have something to share, save and plan.

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Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55