14 Mar Innovative Solutions For Japan

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Solutions for Japan

1. Partner with a Chinese or a West African Country to temporarily relocate Japanese Citizens.

2. Method to remove left over water from the land faster.

3. AHEC Renewable Hydroelectric Power Plants that can be constructed within 2 months.

4. Invention: Tsunami Human Life Saver

5. New method of keeping Tsunami Waves from ever destroying the island again.

I can be reached by email at ahecgreen@live.com.  My website ishttp://www.ahecEnergy.com My efforts in America are stifle by an administration too busy to be concerned with small Black African American Innovators, Inventors and Entrepreneurs like myself.  It is my hope that someone in Japan is open enough to contact me.

I am truly sorry for the loss your citizens and offer my condolences.


Charles E. Campbell, Founder & CEO


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55