27 Feb Reason to Start a Home Based Business Online

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Reason to Start a Home Based Business Online

Our character is built by our thoughts; our circumstances are shaped by our thoughts; our healthy body is a result of our thoughts. Give your thoughts a purpose, purpose of an achievement. Design your thoughts, visions and ideals in the direction of your goal.

Every person has a goal. Some people want to earn millions and millions of dollars, some people wants to own a beautiful house on an island and live there for the rest of their lives. Some people wants to have the most expensive car where as some people wants to travel and explore the different places in the world. No dream or goal is impossible; remember “nothing is impossible.” What is important is that how valuable is your goal to you in your thoughts? The more you believe in your dream; the more dedicated you will be to bring them into the reality. You have to conceive a dream first, before it becomes a reality.

When we are kids, we are taught about what is right and what is wrong by our parents, teachers and other elders. As we grow up, our thoughts are built by what we learn from our loved ones and what we experience in school and in our social groups, this is when we decide what major we want to study in college. Once we put our step into our desired college, we want to dedicate ourselves into studies so that we can gain the highest GPA. Our decision of our subject of study and our dedication towards it comes from our thoughts that are built up during our growth stage and through our experiences.

Our experiences play a huge role in how we think and how we are able to shape our circumstances by our thoughts. There are two types of thoughts built up with every experience, either negative or positive. Negative thoughts are when a man gives up on his situation and does not want to fight anymore. This kind of thinking can only lead him to a failure because he does not want to change his situation, does not want to change his thoughts and take it towards a new direction. In other words, he is not ready to make a move and come out of his comfort zone. A positive thinker would never quit, he would fight till he has found his success and achieve his goal. This kind of thinker is always looking for a better change, take any situation as a challenge and face them courageously. Their bravery can only lead them towards a successful and prosperous life as they have guts to bring change into their lives.

 Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the known to the unknown.” One example that I can think of is the economic downturn. According to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics there are over 18.3 million home-based businesses in USA and from the survey done by Home Office Computing Magazine, 98% people are happier working from home, 96% of people would like to recommend work from home to others and 88% would never ever return back to the corporate world. These are the people who had courage to come out of their comfort zone and bring the change in their lives by taking the risk of investing in the home based business and dedicating themselves towards accomplishing their goal. They were able to gain success in their new life is because they believed in themselves with positive thinking. According to the U.S. Dept of Labor, the unemployment rate is 9.0% (Unemployment defined by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS): people who do not have a job, have actively looked for work in the past four weeks, and are currently available for work. Also, people who were temporarily laid off and are waiting to be called back to that job are counted as unemployed.). These are the people who do not want to start their own business and still wants to depend on the corporate world with the hopes that the economic condition will change someday. They are afraid to make change in their lives, have a fear of losing. In other words, they have already built up negative thoughts about the new world. These people will always struggle in the corporate world and will retire with their hand full of 401K funds (if any left).

On the other hand, today home based business is a $427 billion a year industry, which is more than the pharmaceutical industry, food industry, and consumer goods industry combined. Also, according to IDC, a top national research firm, the average income for income-generating home based business households is $65,000 per year and the report from the SBA’s (Small Business Administration) office of advocacy shows that over 20,000 home based entrepreneurs have grossed over $1 million. These entrepreneurs are sure to retire by turning their dream lifestyle into reality.

We are what we want to be. In other words, it is true that we do not have control over the situation created by our destiny, but we certainly do have power to change that situation and give it a new shape.

Today is your day to give your situation a new shape. There are many home based businesses out there that will guarantee you of becoming millionaire overnight. Guess what? There is no such thing as overnight millionaire (unless you win a lottery). Also, when you try to contact such companies, you will get their automated messages only (I have personally experienced this situation). Every business needs a plan that can be executed. Visit http://milliondollarresidualplan.com , find my contact info. at the bottom of the page, email me or call me to find out the plan that I have set for you, for your bright future. There is also a Live Chat there. You can chat with the live support or leave a message.

The best way is to submit your name and email address on the same page and you will be directed to the Internet marketing business plan that I have for you.


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55