17 Feb Once upon a time, there was “Wal-Mart”

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You know, I am not a Wal-Mart fan too much. One of the reasons is that it has a long checkout line. I hate that. I need convenience. I think I knew about Wal-Mart 2 years ago only. Honestly before two years I did not even know that Wal-Mart existed. I have always done shopping at local stores. Only when I had to buy anything special or big or expensive or valuable I use to search it on google.com or amazon.com and buy it. Its just so convenient.

Few years ago whatever I used to buy I used to go to local neighborhood stores and buy it. I remember there used to be a store called “Wiz” like 8 or 9 years ago. It was an electronic store. I used to shop there a lot. Sometimes I just used to go there and just check out new electronic gadgets. It was so fun. But that store Wiz is not into existence anymore. I became buddies with a guy at Wiz and he told me that electronics are going to be much cheaper in future and will be sold on the Internet. I could not understand at that time how can something be sold on the Internet. How a store is setup on the Internet, how we can see the products, how will we pay etc etc. I am talking about those days when AOL was the only Internet provider with dial up access only. The only thing I knew at that time to do on the Internet was chatting on AOL.com . I believe you know what I am talking about :)

Then there was another store called Kmart. I used to go with my friends to Kmart sometime to kill time.  Kmart was huge. But then Kmart was also shut down. It doesn’t exist anymore. Then there was another brand called CompuServe. I don’t see that name anywhere these days also. Then I remember I used to rent movies from blockbuster. But then came Netflix.com and I started renting movies from there. So blockbuster is out of question now. Netflix.com is just so convenient. Slowly and slowly after AOL other Internet providers came like Juno. I remember Juno.com was offering dialup Internet for 5 bucks a month only. I don’t see that name anymore.

In the past 4 to 5 years I have seen so many stores closing down, the branded stores and local stores. The economy has been hit so much in past 4 to 5 years that to have a brick and mortar store and surviving it is just impossible. These days every now and then if I need to buy something I always buy it from the Internet. Its just so convenient. Most of the stores like Wal-Mart.com, sears.com, radioshack.com etc they came online. They opened their store on the Internet also. One of the reason is that its so convenient to buy it online and these store can reach to any customer in any part of the world. In these past few years these companies have realized that to have an online presence is very important. These companies offer more variety and more discounts if you buy it from their Internet store than the physical store. After all you can put so much in a physical store. Whereas on a website you can put as many as products as you want.

If the companies keep on expanding like this and make their presence online then in future we would say to our grandchildren “Once upon a time there was Wal-Mart”. All these big stores like sears, Wal-Mart all these big and huge malls will be empty one day. There will be no customers in these stores and these stores will turn into museums. We would take our kids to these museums and would show them how we used to come to these brick and mortar malls and shop. How we used to park our cars in the parking lots, walk to the stores, look for items in the aisles, put then in the shipping cart, stand in the line and pay for them. Our grand children will call us crazy and they would ask us pointing to an empty cash register line “ grandpa, is this where you used to stand in line?” Just imagine how it would be?

This is a vision. Keeping in mind how things and how world has changed in the past decade this will come true one day. Internet is taking over everything. From buying stuff and groceries to filing taxes, everything is online these days. Internet is expanding very very fast and beyond our imagination. Experts sitting at companies are already taking measure and making plans on how to take leverage of the Internet and move their customers to the online store. Internet is huge. Its vast. Its expanding in the blink of an eye. We may not realize but we are accustomed to the Internet. We have changed ourselves. Companies have changed us, forced us to get accustomed to the Internet. Its either we change ourselves or we will be forced to change ourselves by the Internet.

Hundreds and thousands of people are making off the Internet. Young kids are becoming millionaires from the Internet. Young generation understands the power of the Internet, not like my father or grand father who knew only one thing 9-5 until 65 and you are set. Take advantage of Internet and become a part of the future.

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Harprit Singh


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55