17 Feb Smart tips to make an Internet Marketing Business a Success

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Choosing a path is not a goal, but the starting point of the goal. We choose a path to walk on, we do know what our goal is; but we often fail to achieve that goal.


What is it that we did not do?

And what can we do to succeed?

These questions are very important, yet not everyone is fortunate to get their answers upfront. Well, you are lucky to land up on this page and have opportunity to find out the answers to these questions. In other words, here are my smart tips that will help you achieve success in your Internet Marketing Business.

“Failure Is Success If We Learn From It.” – Malcolm S. Forbes.

According to the experts, 97% people fail in their Online Home Based Business. Let’s find out the reasons of their failure and learn from it.

Failure: People are very comfortable where they currently are and they do not want to get out of their comfort zone and accept new challenges. We all have a comfortable and protective friends and family social circle. We hesitate to get out of that circle and do something extraordinary. Even if we do our friends and family pull us back into the comfort circle again saying that there is risk out there, it’s a bad world out there and we are protecting you from it. Its one of the crucial failure point that it overlooked. Can you relate!

To Succeed: The very first challenge that every potential entrepreneur face is to come out of the comfort zone and that is when they decide on starting their Internet marketing business. Once they come out of that comfort zone, the next challenge is to learn new ways, strategies, technology and much more to gain success in their business. It is important to be open in terms of facing new challenges. “Life is beautiful, IF you choose not to settle for an ordinary; be ready to accept new challenges and take the steps towards creating your dream lifestyle.”

Failure: Goals are first and most important task of any entrepreneur. Many Internet marketers set unrealistic goals such as wanting to earn million dollars in one month. When they cannot achieve that, they give up.

To Succeed: As a successful and experienced Internet marketer, my suggestion would be to first set a goal. Setting a goal is easy, but it is important to set SMART goal. Set something your mind can conceive. In other words, your goal should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-Based. Set a definite goal that can be measured on timely basis, more importantly, set a goal that is possible to accomplish. Unrealistic goals lead to failure for sure. “Setting SMART goals provide guidance and direction to our lives.”

Failure: People usually tend to think that online business is just an ABC and will be showered with money. In other words, they are just looking for instant money. WRONG!

To Succeed: Miracles happen only if you work on it (unless you win a million dollar lottery). If you don’t even go to work, is your employer going to come to your home and give you a pay check for not working?


Usually people are under the impression that they will make easy money and get millionaire overnight in their Internet marketing business, which is not true (except in the game of monopoly. Well even in that you have to play to earn those million paper dollars). Every business requires hard work. Your income depends on your efforts and your true dedication towards the business. “Truth is bitter” but there is no instant money in the business world. “In order to accomplish great things in life: we must not only believe, but also PLAN; we must not only dream, but also ACT.” Stay away from people or companies that sell Get Rich Quick dreams.

Failure: No one is a born genius. The biggest problem with the Internet marketers is that they do not get enough training and mentoring.

To Succeed: It is easy to join any Online home based business as today there are many companies offering such opportunity, but it is important to find the one that provides full training and mentoring. Training keeps you up to date with the market, new technology, different strategies and customer needs. In addition, joining a successful team is the most important step when starting an Internet marketing business, due to the fact that your sponsor plays a significant role in your success as he/ she provides guidance according to what they have already experienced. “Mentoring, Coaching and Training is the key to one’s success.”

TIP – If you are going to join a company or any online business do me a favour first. First find the “Contact” button on the site and see how is their support system. Do they have email support or phone support or chat support or all 3. Send them an email and see how long do they take to reply. I bet you, 70% of the moneymaking sites are replicated sites and they just don’t have any support. If they have a phone, pick up the phone and make a call. See if someone really picks up the phone. I bet you (again) that most of the companies who even have a phone listed have automated “voicemail” system where they tell you to leave a message and they will call back. Now use your brain and see calculate everything. You will get the answer J

Failure: People treat their online marketing business as a hobby and not as business.

To Succeed: It is important to be determined in the actions you take towards your business. Set goals, make schedules, create your to-do list, and dedicate yourself towards your Internet marketing business for at least 2-4 hours per day maybe more, but not less. You put at least 8 hours every day in your corporate job, work as hard as you can so that you can get raise and promotion; home based business requires the same attitude, so that you can write bigger pay checks for yourselves and get financial freedom. “Business has a profit motive whereas hobby is for enjoyment, does not guarantee profit.”

Looking at these secrets of success does seem tough to follow, but not with today’s advanced technology. Internet marketing business has become much easier than years ago with the automated internet marketing system that I have for you in place. If you would like to know how this system works, then visit http://milliondollarresidualplan.com enter your name and email address. You will be directed to the page where you will gain access to the insider information on how the automated internet marketing system can help you live your dream lifestyle.

Automated Internet Marketing System has been a boon for me and my family; here is your opportunity to be blessed. It was a choice and I chose it. It’s your call now!

Click here to go to my site and see how you can get my personal attention and start working with me.



Harprit Singh

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55