17 Feb Free leads and make money with YOUTUBE Video Marketing.

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If someone had told me 3 years ago that I’d be making thousands of dollars per month with my online business through YouTube I would’ve laughed in their face! We dont believe what we don’t see.

Well, it happened and now I know why?

I was amazed to look at the facts…

- In January 2008 alone, nearly 79 million users
had made over 3 Billion Views…in 1 month!

- As of April 9, 2008 a YouTube search returns
83.4 million videos and climbing by the minute!

- YouTube accounts for well over 60% of all video online.

- On alexa.com YouTube is ranked the 3rd most
popular site on the internet taking a back seat
only to the yahoo and google behemoths.

Now this is what really blew me away…

It was estimated on March 31, 2008, that there
were 1,407,724,920 GLOBAL internet users.

Going back to alexa.com, it tells that 18.647%
of GLOBAL internet users visited YouTube over a
3-month period.

Do you realize what this means? Let’s do the math…

That’s 262,498,465.8 reasons to learn how to
DOMINATE this little thing called YouTube.


1,407,724,920 users   x   18.647%  =  262,498,465.8!

If you dominate this YouTube you can make tons of money. Let me tell you how. Google loves any search with videos. Anything that has video in it google will appreciate it more than a static non video page. Don’t forget the fact that google also loves Web2.0 media like Facebook, MySpace, Twitter etc.

Now if you combine KEYWORDS with the VIDEO on your site and the same time promote your video on Web2.0 media sites like Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Digg etc (just to name a few) you are giving all the reasons to google to put you on the first page.

What you are creating is VIRAL EFFECT and this is called ATTRACTION MARKETING.

This way you can make lots of money. This kind of marketing is very effective because the rankings stay in google for a while and until then you post another video and create the same Viral effect. So you stay on first page on GOOGLE ORGANICALLY. You know organic is always better :)

Well, but the problem is most people especially guru’s don’t tell about it and even if someone do no one shows you how to do it. BUT in our CCPRO backend system there are all the marketing strategies on how to make money. The simple fact is that IF YOU MAKE MONEY WE MAKE MONEY. So CCPRO has all the interest in YOU making money.

Ofcourse, not to mention that CCPRO has best support via email, call center, 1-1 coaching, forums, live chat etc. So you can’t go wrong in choosing your Home Based Business. 

So put your information at http://MillionDollarResidualPlan.com and learn how you can Start Your Business from Home. It’s not Rocket Science, it’s just you need someone to show you the right path.



Harprit Singh


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55