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Now that we have had our fanny perpendiculars handed to us, what's the plan blackman? Do we have a counter strategic strike?

When Obama initially won The White House, white America immediately prepared a counter strategy and today they have kicked our collective fanny perpendiculars but however bloodied, beaten and defeated we are or feel we still have a black president and his entire family trapped behind political enemy lines and let's leave no man behind. So, what's the plan blackman?

Prior to the election the black man sent out internet wide voting alerts to remind black people to vote, Black social networks posted foreboding messages throughout the internet about the impending doom facing African Americans should the republicans win majority.

With all of our eggs in one basket, voting was the best plan of defense the black man had but it did not take long to see that it was no plan at all because no sooner than the election started the south with the 2nd largest black population in the United States of America fell to republicans without even a fight.

For the 3rd time in a row Louisiana with the 2nd largest black population fell to the republicans and this time Florida joined them. So, what's the plan blackman?

Is the plan for 2011 to see more and more black men shaving their heads bald as safe passage into white America media and social enclaves?

Will we see more black men declaring, claiming, choosing and professing their homosexuality in hopes that white America will not be alarmed nor threatened by your presence?

Will we see more and more black women forced into interracial dating or female on female relationships because of the bald headed, homosexual black men that have abandoned their duties and responsibilities towards them?

Will we see more and more black women competing with homosexuals, transsexuals, bisexuals, pre-ops, post ops, drag queens or feminine orientated black men for the limited availability of heterosexual black men?

Will we see more black pastors desecrating and defiling the word of God by deflowering the rectums of young disadvantaged and impressionable black youths?

Will we see more back stabbing treason from Tavis Smiley and Cornel West has they encourage black America to add even more pressure upon the President of The United States of America, Barack Obama?

Will we see another 30,000 of our black women and children fainting and falling out under the scorching Atlanta sun as they trample over each other trying to get a public housing application for housing that does not currently exist? What's the plan blackman?

As we enter the year 2011, you tell black America 2010 that the plan is UNDERCOVER SMART - FIVE STEPS TO WORLD DOMINATION.

GET THE PLAN BLACK MAN. http://www.mubarakinter-prizes.com/UNDERCOVERSMART.HTML

Sincerely Enoch Mubarak

President/CEO Mubarak Inter-prizes


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55