31 Aug Take Everything Personal

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Self-Improvement is an holistic journey. The tendency to compartmentalize our life into separate formal and informal boxes and buckets, compounds the problems standing in the way of our becoming Extraordinary.

True, there is a time and place for everything, but this only serves to organize and increase the efficiency of our self-improvement efforts.

What I am getting at is this: Personal development initiatives must incorporate our whole life, in order to reap the most benefit.

We need to assess our effectiveness in meeting the demands of our material, physical, social and spiritual life. Then use that assessment as the foundation of our plan to reduce our excesses and supplement our deficiencies.

Although it can effectively enhance and fine tune our career, personal development is not career or professional development. It is the souls journey from seed to fruit.

It is our conscious effort to feed the world our brightest, juiciest and most fragrant self. While simultaneously planting the seed for tomorrows personal development travelers.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55

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