24 Feb Why Move?

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Why Move?

movement is rooted. movement rides the wind. movement rises up. movement settles down. movement expands the center. movement contracts the border. movement is slow to judgement. movemnet is swift to justice. movement opens the bowels. movement closes the gates. movement locks and loads. movement cocks and explodes. movement seizes opportunity. movement releases draining tensions. movement moves and grooves. movement measures in miles and moments. movement sings in high and low notes. movement melts the icy juctions. movement helps the organs function.
movement clears the foggy focus.  movement wakes the sleeping giant.  movement greezes (yes greezes) the rusty joints.  movement opens the healing points.  movement summons the now.  movement quickens the then.
movement centers the here.  movement answers the when. movement rolls like roaring rivers.  movement vibrates like childrens shivers.  movement metabolizes meats and greens.  movement partitions mother and child.  spontaneous movement finds it's level.  calculated movement ends disheveled.  muscled movement makes a mess. spirit movement preserves the breath.

Now Go Move

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55

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